Gilded Age Politics
Industrialization & Business
Labor Movements & Strikes
Westward Expansion & Native Americans
Immigration & Urbanization

A political organization which recruits members (typically the less fortunate or recent immigrants) using tangible incentives such as jobs or money that is characterized as a high degree of leadership control over member activity. 

What are Political Machines?


An essay and philosophy from Andrew Carnegie that proposed that the best way of dealing with the new phenomenon of wealth inequality was for the wealthy to utilize their surplus means in a responsible and thoughtful manner.   

What is the Gospel of Wealth?


The largest American labor union compromised of workers from any skill level, gender, or race which called for 8-hour workdays and the end of child labor.

Who were the Knights of Labor?


Signed by Chester A. Arthur, was a federal law passed in 1882 which became the first major law in the country to limit immigration.  

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


Situated in San Francisco Bay, this was a historical important immigration center known for it's month-long processing times, terrible hygiene, discrimination against all non-Europeans, and frequent sexual violence.  

What is Angel Island?


An agrarian party which emerged in the early 1890s from a merger of many smaller labor parties which was popular amongst farmers and western settlers.

What is the Populist Party?


A federal law that attempted to protect small businesses, prevent monopolistic practices in the railroad industry, and made it the first industry subject to federal regulation.

What is the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887?


A peaceful rally composed of workers from the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company advocating for a 8-hour work day which soon became the site for a bombing massacre which gave labor unions the connotation of anarchist and communist.

What is the Haymarket Riot of 1886?


Built between 1863 and 1869, became the first transportation system (besides walking or horses) to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad?


The policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.

What is Nativism?


Delivered by William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention in 1896, claiming bimetallism would bring the nation into prosperity.

What is "The Cross of Gold Speech"?


A federal stature which prohibits anticompetitive agreements and unilateral conduct that monopolizes or attempts to monopolize the relevant market.

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890?


A strike at a railcar company which interfered which the postal service's job that was struck down with federal troops and set the precedent the government was on the side of the monopolists.

What was the Pullman Strike of 1894?


Also known as the General Allotment Act, divided tribal lands into smaller plots which were redistributed amongst Native Americans and the excess was sold to white settlers.

What was the Dawes Act?


A type of multi-occupancy residential building that is often associated with poor living conditions that were common in the slums of Manhattan and were defined by usually cramping 2 families into apartments the size of 400ft2     

What is Tenement Housing?


A federal law that established a merit-based and credentials focused hiring system for most government jobs following the assassination of James A. Garfield.

What is the "Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883"?


When a corporation completes the acquisition of a key component of it's supply chain, either upstream or downstream from its own core competency; usually upgrading it into a monopoly. 

What is Vertical Intergration?


A national federation of labor unions founded ion 1886 dedicated to preserving workers' rights and is known for it's demands for maternity leave and 8-hour work days.

What was the American Federation of Labor?


An attempt to disarm the Lakota Sioux by US Calvary after learning about a "Ghost Dance" that turned incredibly violent after resistance from Native Americans.

What is the Wounded Knee Massacre?


A Protestant movement that applied Christian ethics to social issues that began in the late 19th century and lasted until World War I.

What is the Social Gospel Movement?


The proper term for a political tactic consisting of recalling the Civil War to sling mud at the other side during an Reconstruction-era election.

What is "Waving the Bloody Shirt"?


The prevalent idea that applied Charles Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" to human society, justifying economic inequality and the dominance of the wealthy class by claiming that they were naturally superior and destined to succeed, often with racist undertones used to justify imperialism and social hierarchies. 

What is Social Darwinism?


A labor dispute between the Carnegie Steel Company and it's workers in 1882 which turned violent after management hired Pinkertons to prevent workers from entering the premise.

What is the Homestead Strike of 1892?


A skirmish between US Calvary and the Lakota Sioux where General Custer famously quoted: "There are not enough Indians in the world to defeat the Seventh Calvary." and proceeded to get squad wiped.

What was the Battle of Little Bighorn?

Established in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in response to and urbanization, were community centers that provided social, educational, and welfare services to the urban poor and immigrants.

What is a Settlement House?
