This Amendment was added to the constitution and formally declared that blacks were free citizens
What is the 13th amendment
This battle in the west was a win for the Sioux Native American Tribe
What is The Battle of Little Big Horn
The North was Called this in the civil war
The Union
This term was used to describe someone who was a non-slave holding Republican in the south who largely supported that party for financial gain.
What is a Scalawag?
These Laws were put in place to prevent blacks from participating in political/social movements as much as possible. They often included curfews, voting restrictions, harsh reparations for crime, and fewer ways to gain economic standing
What are black codes/Jim Crow Laws?
In the Battle of Little Big Horn, the Sioux fought against this military leader and his army by surrounding them and cutting off their supplies:
What is Colonel Custer
This act repealed the Missouri compromise in 1854 when these two states (its namesake) were granted the opportunity to vote on whether or not they would have slaves or not. Before this, the Missouri compromise would have required them both to be free states
What is the Kansas-Nebraska act
This act divided the south into 5 military districts ratifying the 14th amendment. Each district has a general designed to protect them like a bodyguard. Tennessee is not included in this. These states all agreed on ratification by 1868.
What is the reconstruction act of 1867?
This was the name of the group that worked alongside the KKK but was less prominent
What is the white league
This amendment granted suffrage to black men. However, it did not define whether or not black women/Native Americans could vote
what is the 15th amendment?
(Fun Fact): Native Americans were not Granted Citizenship until this year:
what is 1924
This term is used to describe someone who lived in the north during the civil war, but afterwards they moved to the south in order to make a wealthier profit. They get their name from quickly packing their things in cheap suitcases
what are carpetbaggers?
This welfare agency opened itself to both whites and blacks in the south, but was largely used by black people. It provided food and shelter for freedmen who were struggling and also opened up schools where they taught freedmen how to read and write. It came close to having the first racially integrated schools. It was discontinued after 5 years by President Johnson
what is the freedmen's bureau?
This phrase was coined as the saying that described the land and livestock distributed to black freedmen after the war. This land was redistributed from confederate rebels.
What is "40 acres and a mule?"
This act granted the U.S. Government authority to separate native Americans from their tribes and reservations, putting them next to tribal enemies and creating dis-unification, communication barriers, and survival hardships in order to be considered "American":
What is the Dawes Severalty act?
This event occurred when border 'ruffians' from Missouri provoked bloodshed on the Kansas-Missouri border after they had rigged the election to sway Kansas into holding slaves, but the votes needed to be recounted. It is also referred to as the Civil War's dress rehearsal
What is Bleeding Kansas?
This Group of white democrats who rose to power after the civil war wanted to redeem the south by dismantling reconstruction policies, restoring white supremacy, and returning to pre civil war ideologies
Who are the Redeemers?
This decision in congress was named after a slave who tried to sue his late owner's brother for his freedom, after having lived in a state where he was declared free then forced to be a slave once again. The result of this decision only reaffirmed that slaves were not citizens and could not hold standing in court. This man became a slave once more
What is the Dred Scott decision?
The Significance of the Dawes Severalty act was that is caused this:
What is forced assimilation of Native American Tribes?
This paper Proposed by Frederick Jackson Turner claimed that the west was closed and warned caution when using natural resources. He gathered this data from the census
What is Frederick Jackson Turner's Thesis - "The Significance of the Western Frontier"
This Plan was proposed by two senators as to how to deal with the south after the civil war. It stated that 50% of voters in each state needed to swear a loyalty oath, slaves were granted ‘legal equality’ and confederate veterans weren’t allowed to have a say in their state’s constitutions. It was vetoed by President Lincoln
What is the Wade-Davis bill?