01 Causes of the Revolution
02 Declaration
03 Battles
04 F&I War and Causes
05 Chex Mix

The Navigation Acts were restrictive trade laws that were not enforced by Britain until the end of what policy?

Salutary Neglect


After the French and Indian War, this is seen as the very first cause of the American Revolution with the restriction of what movement?

Proclamation of 1763; made colonists stay east of the Appalachians in order to cut down on native attacks on the western frontier.


Name 2 British and American advantages.

British - Strongest, best and biggest army.  Well-supplied

America - Fighting for freedom, home field advantage and the French will ally


The major cause of the French and Indian War was what issue?

French and English both wanted the Ohio River Valley for trapping and cash cropping.


Give 2 parts of the organization of the Declaration of Ind.

Preamble - describes purpose

Dec. of Natural Rights - lists a proper relationship

List of Grievances - lists all problems

Resolution - Declares that the colonies are now United States of America


The Stamp Act was the first direct tax on the colonies in an effort to pay for what large British expense?

The French & Indian War


Describe the longest part of the Declaration of Independence.

Part 3: List of Grievances - Problems the colonists had with the British policies.


What role did von Steuben and Lafayette play in the Revolutionary War?

They provided much needed military training and military aid from Europe.


What is the major territorial outcome of the French and Indian War?

France loses all claims in North America and England gains all lands out to the Mississippi River.


During the colonial period, what major role did women have in society?

Republican Motherhood - Their duty was to raise good citizens and patriots and pass down those values to future generations.


How did Thomas Paine contribute to the Revolutionary Movement?

He published Common Sense which convinced many on the fence to become patriots and question the monarchy.


This cartoon from the early 1750s had what similar message to the mid 1770s?

Whether it is the French or British, the colonies must band together to protect each other and look out for Americans first.


What type of leadership did Washington provide?

In the face of overwhelming odds, he provided strength and increased morale.  He also gave hope to the soldiers with non-traditional tactics at Trenton and raised morale during Winter Quarters in Valley Forge.


What is the significance of this image?

It was a political cartoon by Ben Franklin to encourage the colonies to work together in order to defeat the French during the French and Indian War.


The First and Second Continental Congress met to discuss problems with the British. What were some key differences in these meetings?

First Continental Congress listed all problems in an attempt to find compromise and salvage the relationship.

Second Continental Congress signed the Olive Branch Petition and created the Continental Army with George Washington in charge.


How did this art contribute to the Revolution?

Paul Revere's picture swayed colonists were who neutral to become more patriot-minded.


Name 1 Enlightenment idea that influenced the document.

Montesquieu - "Separation of Powers"

Locke - "Natural Rights - Life, Land and Liberty"

Paine - Common Sense


Yorktown had what significance during the American Revolution?

Final battle where the French Navy trapped the British from escaping as they were simultaneously surrounded by the Americans.  It represented the final battle in which the British will surrender.


How did the Proclamation of 1763 affect colonists?

It restricted them from moving westward even though they fought and paid for this territory.


How did John Locke influence the Declaration of Independence?

He wrote that all people had natural rights that could not be taken of "Life, Land and Liberty"


What was the British response to this event?

The British passed the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts to punish Bostonians for their role in the revolt.  It closed Boston harbor, cancelled town meetings and the Massachusetts' Legislature and allowed for the British to place soldier into private homes (Quartering Act).

Describe the 4 parts of the Declaration of Independence.

1 - Preamble - Purpose of document

2 - Declaration of Natural Rights - Describes a proper relationship

3 - List of Grievances - All the problems

4 - Resolution - Declares colonies as independent United States of America


The Treaty of Paris, 1783 represented what change?

All British holdings were turned over to America from the Mississippi River east to the Atlantic Ocean.


What is happening in this cartoon?

Sons of Liberty are tarring and feathering a tax collector.


How did one group of women or minorities contribute during the Revolutionary War?

Women - filled employment vacancies and served as battlefield nurses.

Enslaved People - Fought for the British in exchange for freedom.

Natives - Served as western guides and spies to help with uncharted areas.
