Gilded in Gold
Gilded Outside, Rotten Inside
Blended Info
Say What?!@?!

What 2 countries constituted the most immigrants from 1880-1900?

Italy & China


Many "New Immigrants" came to America for industrial jobs. Where will they be examined and processed on each coast?

Ellis Island on the east; Angel Island on the west.


Why did nativist feelings rise up during the Gilded Age train building fever of the 1880s?

Many Irish, Italian and Chinese immigrants came to fulfill the American Dream and many Americans pushed back at the cultural changes they brought.


The Settlement House Movement was started by which reformer in Chicago at the Hull House?

Jane Addams


The Temperance Movement gained the most traction when Prohibition went into effect.  What Amendment to the Constitution outlawed alcohol?

18th Amendment


What industry grew tremendously and fueled other industries during the Gilded Age?

Railroad industry --> fueled oil, steel, coal and banking


Cities grow so rapidly what are some consequences from 1880-1900?

Poor housing (tenements), lack of sanitation, disease, no education system, political machines.


A response to the abuse of industrial workers during the Gilded Age was achieved by the formation of what entity to protect workers?

The American Federation of Labor (AFL), founded by Samuel Gompers.


How did the Dawes Act affect America?

It placed natives on reservations and forced them to adopt America ideals.


What is the general purpose of the Progressive Era?

Promote the general health and welfare of all Americans and undo much of the laissez-faire from the Gilded Age.


Rockefeller was able to limit competition using this practice of eliminating similar businesses.

Horizontal Integration


What is the message of this cartoon?

That the Titans of Industry were propped up on the backs of many poor immigrants.


Why did most reformers come from the middle class?

They were educated enough to see both the rich and poor above and below them.


Upton Sinclair's The Jungle directly led to what piece of legislation?

Meat Inspection Act (1906)


How did Ida Tarbell contribute to the Progressive Era?

She wrote The History of Standard Oil which exposed the practices of John Rockefeller.  It eventually led to the dissolving of that monopoly.


How did Carnegie and Rockefeller's views differ on vast wealth?

Carnegie believed in Social Gospel which meant to spread out the wealth in excess.

Rockefeller believe in Social Darwinism and that he was fabulously wealthy because he was so cunning.


How were politics corrupted during the Gilded Age?

Political Machines like "Tammany Hall" run by Boss Tweed ran corrupt voting schemes to new immigrants.


The Pullman Strike highlights what issue during the Gilded Age?

That the strike was ineffective due to the fact that the railroads blocked US Mail and the government sided with business owners.


How did the formation of trusts eliminate competition?

Many similar businesses would consolidate together into one holding company to control prices.


How did Eugene Debs effect America?

He brought in the idea of Socialism that the government should own key industries which would prevent all the monopolies that hurt the lower and middle class.


Carnegie was able to efficiently produce steel quickly and cheaply through what business practice?

Vertical Integration.

He would own every step of production.


Racial segregation was upheld during the Gilded Age in this 1896 decision involving the legality of separation of races under the guidelines of "separate but equal"?

Plessy vs. Ferguson


How did laissez-faire contribute to the Gilded Age?

It meant that anyone could do anything no matter the consequences.  Typically led to businesses eliminating competition and treating workers poorly.


Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives.  How did it change America?

It showed how poor immigrants lived in the tenements of the cities leading to windows, safety and more green space.


The Gilded Age out west produced this political party based on the popularity of farmers.

