"Big Stick Diplomacy"
Mix and Match
The Great War
Wilson's War

Which island nation was overtaken and then annexed by the US for the sugar trade?



What was the outcome of the Spanish-American War?

The US gained all territories from the Spanish Empire; including Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.


Which political party will win the election of 1900 due to its positive stance on imperialism?



How did the Lusitania become significant for US involvement in WWI?

US passengers were killed by German U boats.


The interception of this message led to the final straw of US involvement in WWI?

The Zimmerman Telegram which promised Mexico back lost lands from a previous war.


What did Social Gospel, Anglo-Saxonism and The White Man's Burden all have in common?

All motivations to imperialize to "civilize and Christianize" less developed parts of the world.


Define Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy?

He believed if America appeared strong that other nations would not involve themselves with America. "Speak softly and carry a big stick."


How is this cartoon related to WWI?

Encouraging Americans to ration "critical wartime" items like food, gas and metal for the war effort.

The French vessel Sussex was sunk which led to which new agreement by neutral and warring powers?

That German subs would not sink ships without proper warning.


Although Wilson promised to stay neutral, what single event led him to ask for a declaration of war?

Germany going back to unrestricted submarine warfare


What is the message of this cartoon?

That America has outgrown its borders from Manifest Destiny and it is now looking outward to imperialize.


How was the construction of the Panama Canal related to the Roosevelt Corollary?

The shipping canal helped further exert US influence in Central and South America and continued to reinforce the Monroe Doctrine stating that European powers could not colonize or get involved.


The US and Japan both had many imperial holdings in the Pacific.  This item is significant in having each country respect the other's holdings.

Root-Takahira Agreement of 1908


To limit dissent during wartime, Congress passed which laws limiting free speech?

Espionage and Sedition Acts


The final point in Wilson's 14 Points speech suggested what?

That there be an international peacekeeping organization ruling the world (League of Nations)


The Open Door Policy stated that the US would observe the territorial integrity of which country?



What is the message of this cartoon?

The Philippines did not want to be controlled by the US which would make empire-building very difficult.


How did Teddy Roosevelt continue the provisions of the Monroe Doctrine?

Stated that Europe would not intervene in Latin America and that the US would help settle any disputes.


How did the average family pitch in during WWI?

Through rationing of gas, coal, meat and bread and the growing of victory gardens to supplement American farmers.


Why did the US ultimately not join the League of Nations and fully ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

Certain provisions could force the United States to send troops into battle without the consent of Congress.


Why did the Spanish-American War begin?

Yellow journalists spread lies about the Spanish treatment of Cubans.  The USS Maine was sent to investigate and it exploded.  The yellow journalists blamed the explosion on the Spanish, thus starting the Spanish-American War.


How does this cartoon show Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy?

He ordered the construction of 16 battleships to show the whole world the US was ready to go.


George Creel was in charge of creating propaganda to urge support at home for WWI.  What new name is given to "propaganda" to cleanse it of German origins?

Public Information


How were the War of 1812 and WWI similar for US involvement?

Both wars questioned the US freedom of the seas


What is ironic about Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace?

It is accepted by all parties except the American Senate.
