Important People (who, what, when, where, significance)
Colonial Founding and Governance
Colonial Unrest
Early American Values

John Smith

English soldier/governor who saved Jamestown from certain demise and imposed rigid structure in 1610, he also brought the colony into a golden age after establishing an alliance with the Susquehanna.


Who was William Penn and what was his "Holy Experiment"?  

English quaker who founded Pennsylvania. His Holy Experiment was an attempt to establish a community in which all religions and backgrounds were respected  


What famous rebellion in 1676 is often credited as one of the key factors in indentured servitude’s decline?

Bacon's Rebellion 


Explain the significance of John Peter Zenger's trial to the development of colonial values. 

Zenger's acquittal in Crown V John Peter Zenger on charges of seditious libel established freedom of the press, precedent for the legality of criticisms of colonial government. 


What three things arrived in the colonies in 1619? 

House of Burgesses, women, slaves 


John Winthrop

English Puritan, 1st governor of the Massachusetts bay colony in 1630. Orated the “City Upon a Hill” speech aboard the Arbella vessel, representing the religious origins of American exceptionalism.  


Two early examples of colonial representative assemblies and their locations.

House of Burgesses (Jamestown)
General Court (Massachusettes)


Explain the significance of the Galloway Plan of Union. 

Illustrated tensions between Loyalists and Patriots 

**could also mention SoL, "tar-and-feathering," etc. as other examples 


The idea that colonists were adequately represented by British Parliament members, despite the lack of official colonial delegates, was known as ______. (For an extra 100 points, what is the term for explicit representation by elected delegates?) 

virtual representation 

(actual representation) 

"no taxation without representation" 


This founding father was admitted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame

Ben Frank 


Benjamin Franklin

In 1754, he proposed the Albany Plan of Union in response to the start of the Seven Year War, which was the first major attempt at colonial unification. Author of "Join or Die" cartoon. Also a famous deist, believing in rationality over revelation. 


Which 1774 declaration at the First Continental Congress famously rejected the Massachusetts Government Act and called for the development of a colonial militia?

Suffolk Resolves


Explain the impact of the Stono Rebellion. Extra 100 points: When did it occur? 

South Carolina --> St. Augustine, Negro Act of 1740 (cripple rates of literacy among slaves, reduce right to assemble, etc.)  



What act, passed in 1649, ensured religious freedom for Maryland Trinitarians? 

Toleration Act of 1649 


What type of shroom might people have consumed during the Salem Witch Trials?



George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards

Two famous members of the 1st Great Awakening who toured the 13 colonies to deliver impassioned sermons to thousands of colonists in 1739. Preached personal salvation through religion. Contributed to a shared identity among the colonies, strengthening their sense of independence from England. 


What 1675–1676 war featured the Wampanoags, Narragansetts, and Massachusetts Bay colonists? Compare this with the relationships between natives and the colonists of one other European nation. 

1.) King Philip's War 

2.) Per capita measures & foreshadowing future decimation of Indigenous groups 

3.) accept a variety of answers (e.g., French/Dutch generally had friendlier interactions due to their fur-trading relationship) 


Explain the motivations behind Pontiac's Rebellion. How might this have aligned with, or conflicted with, Enlightenment-era values? 

Proclamation line & westward expansion 

Right to property, perception that America was the colonists' to control 

*accept a variety of answers 


Explain the significance of the Halfway Covenant. What might it suggest about the religious climate in the early US?

1.) Compromise for those who had failed the conversion experience and wanted their children (with baptized but unconverted parents) to be able to become fully fledged members of the church 

2.) Degradation of Puritan stronghold on colonial society


What are the main differences between the Old Lights and the New Lights? 

Old Lights: Traditional Calvinist, believed in predestination, study of scripture>emotion

New Lights: Salvation through direct and emotional connections with God, no predestination  


Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

Spanish explorer, infamous for his brutal treatment of Native Americans in his search for the 7 Cities of Gold in present day Arizona in 1540. Contributed to the "Black Legend," which English colonizers used to justify their own actions against natives. 


Explain the advantage of joint-stock companies in colonial founding and provide two examples. 

Spread risk out among multiple investors 

MBC, Virginia Company of London 


What pamphlet, circulated prior to Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, encouraged colonists to advocate for redress WITHIN existing British law?

Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer 

*touch on importance of bucolic perspective 


What famous pastor, expelled from Massachusetts in 1635, called for the separation of church and state?

Roger Williams 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Describe each of the 4 stages of the colonial empire and their time frames.

Benign Abandonment (1607-1650): Crown was not involved in the colonies, were controlled by Joint Stock Companies.
Militarism (1650-1720): Increased control by England, imposed Mercantilism and Navigation Acts to fund their wars.
Salutary Neglect (1720-1754): British don't enforce Navigation Acts due to corruption, colonies foster a sense of independence.
Empire (1754-1770): British try to impose control again to fund wars, angers colonist which leads to the revolution. 

