Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 4

Regarded not as a constitution but as an agreement; Recognized James I as sovereign leader and all settlers as governing body; Agreed to majority rule

Mayflower Compact


Tax on colonies but cost of tax already in price (Ex. The Stamp Act)

Indirect Tax


This proclamation stated that the United States was neutral and would trade with everyone, being notable in that it set the precedent for presidents to avoid war at all costs.

Neutrality Proclamation of 1793


This unpopular act was used to avoid war with Britain. Jefferson concluded that because Britain and France heavily relied on US trade for raw materials and foodstuffs, if the US were to cut off trade, the rest of the world would be forced to treat the US with respect.

Embargo Act of 1807


The division of power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government

The Seperation of Powers


Colony fully governed by governors chosen by private land owners; granted permission by the Crown; are eventually reclaimed by the Crown and made into royal colonies; Ex. MD, PN, DE

Proprietary Colony


said colonists could not export goods the British also export and skilled workers could not immigrate to the colonies

Merchantile Laws


This treaty was created with England to avoid war. The negotiations were sabotaged by Hamilton. The British promised to evacuate forts (again) and pay damages for seized ships (helps northern merchants), but did NOT promise to stop selling arms to Indians or no longer seize ships.

Jays Treaty of 1794


This battle was where Tecumseh was killed, ultimately ending the Tecumseh uprising and the threat of natives east of the Mississippi.

Battle of Thames 1813


A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

Checks and Balances


Guaranteed religious freedom for those who asserted the divinity of Jesus Christ (excluded Atheists and Jews)

Act of Toleration 1649


Said everything on British ships had to be British with a 3/4 British crew, ships could only stop in British ports, and created a list of enumerated commodities (cash crops); trying to created a monopoly by controlling all trade

Navigation Acts


A diplomatic incident between French and United States diplomats that resulted in a limited, undeclared war known as the Quasi-War

XYZ Affair


This "League of Friendship" was the first constitution of the United States. Each state was was given one vote, and there was only a legislative branch out of fear that the government would resemble England's.

Articles of Confederation


This divided public lands into townships of six miles square each and the subdivided each township into one mile square lots.

Ordinance of 1785 


Essentially anarchy; Hutchinson's belief that man did not need to follow laws as his behavior has not bearing on his predestined outcome



Says English settlers cannot cross the Appalachian mountains because Britain cannot protect them from Indians; result = Pontiac's Rebellion

Proclamation of 1763


This act made it illegal to criticize the federal government until the year 1805, with violators risking fines and/or imprisonment.This was done as part of a set of acts to reduce criticism against the Adams administration.

Sedition Act


This rebellion by western farmer in Massachusetts occurred because Western farmers were upset with the raising taxes they could not pay, which caused the courts to foreclose on their houses.

Shays Rebellion


Black people represented 3/5 of a person

Three Fifths Compromise


A form of partial church membership to encourage children and grandchildren of first-genertation settlers to renew piety and abandon quests for material wealth

Halfway Covenant


Parliament could tax colonies anytime; more no taxation without representation

Declaratory Act


Thomas Jefferson bought this territory from the French who no longer had a use for it due to the recent Haitian Revolution, and this purchase doubled the size of the US.

Louisiana Purchase 


This plan for representation called for a bicameral legislature with proportional representation in both houses.

Virginia Plan


Compromise made by Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house

Great Compromise
