Westward Expansion
Mexican War
Road to Civil War
Civil War

This political party promoted the abolition of slavery in new states not on moral grounds, but to provide jobs for white settlers.

What was the Free-Soil Party?


This treaty secured the southern border of Texas as the Rio Grande and also sold the New Mexico and California Territories to the US.

What was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? (1848)


This event occurred at Harper's Ferry and achieved tensions between the North and the South

What was John Brown's raid?


The attack of this fort in South Carolina was considered the first attack in the Civil War

What was Fort Sumter?


This actor assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford theater

Who was John Wilkes Booth 


This president won the 1844 election against Henry clay, and supported the idea of manifest destiny.

Who was James K. Polk?


This general crossed the Rio Grande to defend Texas just before the start of the Mexican War

Who was Zachary Taylor?


This senator was beaten over the head with a cane by congressman Preston Brooks, resulting in both of these men becoming heroes for their respective political sides.

Who was Charles Sumner?


This presidential candidate was Lincoln's political rival, and supported the Free-Soil Movement.

Who was Stephen Douglas?


This organization was formed in 1860, and advocated for a federal solution to Women's suffrage, namely an amendment. This organization opposed the 15th amendment. 

What was National Women's Suffrage Organization?


This man coined the term "Manifest Destiny".

Who was James O' Sullivan?


As one of his final presidential acts, this president commenced the annexation of Texas, leaving Mexico's reaction to the next president.

Who was John Tyler?


This judge for the supreme court decided against Dredd Scott in the Dredd Scott case of 1857, which declared the Missouri Compromise Unconstitutional, and led to North/South Tensions.

Who was Roger Taney?


This war plan involved blockading southern ports using the Northern naval advantage, effectively splitting the confederacy in half.

What was the Anaconda Plan?


This act separated the south into 5 military districts, and was called "the bayonet rule" by Southerners.

What was the Military Reconstruction Act (1867)?


The United States and Britain disputed over this territory, with Britain basing its claim on the fur trade, and the United States baking its claim on Lewis and Clark's expedition.

What was the Oregon Territory?


This general captured Buena Vista and Mexico City in 1847 during the Mexican War 

Who was Winfield Scott?


This man was the presidential nominee for the Constitutional Union Party.

Who was John Bell?


300 Black soldiers were tragically killed in this massacre

What was the Fort Pillow Massacre (1864)


This bill required the majority of Southerners to take a loyalty oath, and stated that Confederate soldiers could not vote.

What was the Wade Davis Bill of 1864?


This treaty ended the conflict between rival lumberjack gangs know as the "Aroostook War".

What was the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842?


Sam Houston's army captured General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna during this battle

What was the battle of San Jacinto?


This senator proposed the idea of Popular Sovereignty, which won considerable support from both northerners and moderate Southerners

Who was Lewis Cass?


This photographer published photos of the Civil War in newspapers, although some believe these photos may have been staged

Who was Matthew Brady?


This man was elected in 1870 to take the Senate seat from Mississippi once held by Jefferson Davis, and was the first black senator.

Who was Hiram Revels?
