Someone who is against slavery is called..
What is an abolitionist?
Underground railroad worker who helped many enslaved escape to the North
Who is Harriet Tubman?
Organization set up to help African-Americans after the war by creating schools
What is the Freedmen's Bureau?
What reason did Nativists have for disliking the Irish and the Germans? (not jobs)
What is being a Catholic?
Person who created the American System
Who is Henry Clay?
A strategy known as Total War was upheld in the state of Georgia in which they burned buildings. What was this event called?
Sherman's March to Sea
Political party opposed to the extension of slavery in the West
Who are the Free Soilers?
The victory that turned the tide of the war for the Union and split the confederacy in two
What is Vicksburg?
Economic system that emerges in the South after the Civil War and leaves many in debt
What is sharecropping?
Senator who proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stephen Douglas
Final battle of the Civil War
What is battle of appomatox courthouse?
Which amendment repealed the Dred Scott decision?
What is the 14th amendment?
Who was the final leading general for the North during the Civil War?
Who is Ulysses S. Grant
The fiery abolitionist who died a martyr in the North and a murderer in the South - increasing hatred. Known for hacking whites in Kansas with broad swords
Who is John Brown?
The Dred Scott ruling contradicted the provisions of which compromise?
What is the Missouri Compromise (1820)?
After this battle, Lincoln announced his Emancipation Proclamation
What is the battle of gettysburg?
Under whose presidency did military reconstruction take place?
ulysses s. grant (18th president)