Progressive Era
Presidents and Policies
World Wars 1 & 2
Roaring 20s
Great Depression

Who were considered the 3 progressive Presidents?

Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

Describe Big Stick Diplomacy and who used it

The US will pursue peaceful negotiations first, but can and will use force to get what we want.

Teddy Roosevelt


Describe the lead up to, and policy of Armed Neutrality

-Germany kept sinking American ships (like the Lucetania)

-American ships can be armed and fire upon attackers


Describe the affects of radio.

Brought people closer together while highlighting regional differences


Dorothea Lange is famous for her photos depicting what?

Dust Bowl

Migration of homeless farmers to California


Answer just 1 for points:

-This form of journalism sought to uncover the things wrong with society

-This form of journalism sensationalized news for the sake of selling more papers


-Yellow Journalism


Describe Missionary Diplomacy and who used it

Democracy should be spread and protected at all costs, even if non-democratic means are needed.



2 Questions:

-Wilson formed what group after WW1? 

-What was its goal?

-League of Nations

-Protect democracy in Europe


Why was prohibition considered a failure?

Bonus Points: What was the Amendment that created prohibition, and which ended it?

It did not decrease alcohol consumption, liver poisoning increased due to dangerous moonshine, and  gang violence increased.

-18th and 21st


This government organization was created to provide jobs, training, and environmental protection

Civilian Conservation Corps


List the book of each author and what they covered (multiple groups):

-Ida Tarbell

-Upton Sinclair

-Jacob Riis

-History of Standard oil: Pointed out oil trusts

-The Jungle: pointed out unsanitary meat packing practices

-How the other half lives: pointed out the living conditions of the urban poor


This figure brought up several arguments against imperialism

William Jennings Bryan


This was the campaign fought for by Civil Rights leaders during WW2 in the hopes of ending racism

Double V Campaign


What was the Harlem Renaissance? (List 1 artist and their contribution)

A surge in African inspired art:

-Jacob Lawrence

-Louis Armstrong

-Ma Rainey

-Cab Calloway

-Duke Elliot


What were Hoovervilles?

Shantytowns made of shacks for people to live in during the Great Depression. Named after Herbert Hoover


Describe the Teller Amendment (and Platt for extra credit)

Teller: The US can use military force to help Cuba gain independence, but will not colonize Cuba

Platt: The US will maintain a military presence in Cuba to ensure it maintains order and to protect US interests


This addendum to the Monroe Doctrine argued that the Western hemisphere could not be colonized, but the United States had a duty to protect order as a police power (and could basically ignore the Monroe Doctrine)

Roosevelt Corollary


This court case argued that Japanese internment was against the 5th Amendment

Korematsu v. United States


What were flappers?

Women known for wearing slim and (slightly) more exposing dresses, short cut hair, and behaving generally more like a man


In attempting to fix the economy, FDR turned the US into this

Limited Welfare State


List and describe 1 Progressive Amendment and 1 Progressive reform (one of each)


-16th: Income Tax

-17th: Direct Election of Senators

19th Amendment: Suffrage for Women


-Anti-trust acts

-Meat Inspection Act

-Clean food and drug Act


List ALL of the following:

-Briefly describe each aspect of the Square Deal

-Which president created it

-Conservationism: Protect the environment

-Control of Corporations: Stricter business regulations

-Consumer protections: More regulations regarding what is safe for public consumption

-Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt


What was both 1 argument from the Interventionist and Isolationist points of view for WW2?


-Must protect democracy

-Twin Moats no longer effective


-Twin Moats protect us

-Britain will take care of it

-War is good for economy


What was "buying on Margin" and how did it contribute to the Great Depression?

People borrowed money to invest it. When stocks did no increase as expected, they were now in debt to the bank.


List ALL of the following for points:

-Briefly describe each aspect of the New Deal

-Which president created it

-Relief for the unemployed: More job opportunities and economic aid

-Recovery for businesses: Economic aid and bailouts for businesses

-Reform for the economy: Build up infrastructure to protect against future busts

-Franklin Delano Roosevelt "FDR"
