This economic theory justified wealth inequality by arguing that the strongest businesses and individuals naturally rise to the top.
What is Social Darwinism?
This 1882 law was the first significant restriction on immigration, barring workers from a specific country.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
The explosion of this U.S. battleship in Havana Harbor helped spark the Spanish-American War.
What is the USS Maine?
These two major laws, passed during the Progressive Era, aimed to break up monopolies and prevent unfair business practices.
What are the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act?
This European nation established the first permanent settlement in North America at Jamestown in 1607.
What is England?
This term was used to describe powerful industrialists who dominated industries and sometimes used unethical tactics.
What are robber barons?
Old" immigrants mostly came from Northern and Western Europe, while "new" immigrants primarily came from these two regions.
What are Southern and Eastern Europe?
These three territories became U.S. possessions as a result of the Spanish-American War.
What are the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico?
This movement, which led to the passage of the 18th Amendment, aimed to reduce alcohol consumption in the U.S.
What is the Temperance Movement?
This 1765 British law required colonists to purchase special paper for legal documents, newspapers, and playing cards, sparking widespread protests.
What is the Stamp Act?
This 1890 law attempted to break up monopolies but was initially ineffective due to weak enforcement.
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?
This famous immigration station in New York processed millions of new arrivals to the U.S.
What is Ellis Island?
This political leader and orator opposed U.S. imperialism, particularly in the Philippines, and gave the "Cross of Gold" speech.
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
This African American activist helped found the NAACP and argued for immediate civil rights rather than gradualism.
Who is W.E.B. Du Bois?
This 1803 land deal, negotiated by Thomas Jefferson, doubled the size of the U.S. and opened vast territories for westward expansion.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
Andrew Carnegie wrote this book outlining his philosophy regarding the responsibilities of the wealthy in society.
What is The Gospel of Wealth?
This corrupt political machine, led by Boss Tweed, controlled New York City politics in the late 1800s.
What is Tammany Hall?
Proponents of U.S. imperialism argued that taking control of the Philippines would help "civilize" and "Christianize" its people, a justification based on this ideology (also the name of a poem).
What is the White Man’s Burden?
This Progressive reform allowed citizens to propose laws directly instead of relying on legislators.
What is the initiative/referendum?
The concept of Manifest Destiny justified U.S. expansion across North America, leading to this 1846–1848 war between the United States and Mexico.
What is the Mexican-American War?
These two business strategies allowed corporations to dominate industries—one by controlling all competitors, the other by controlling the supply chain.
What are horizontal integration and vertical integration?
This informal agreement between the U.S. and Japan limited Japanese immigration in exchange for better treatment of Japanese already in America.
What is the Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907)?
This amendment to Cuba’s constitution allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuban affairs and maintain a naval base at Guantanamo Bay.
What is the Platt Amendment?
Woodrow Wilson’s economic reform program focused on regulating big business and lowering tariffs. It was called this.
What is the New Freedom?
This 1857 Supreme Court case ruled that enslaved people were property, not citizens, and that Congress could not ban slavery in the territories.
What is Dred Scott v. Sandford?