He was the steel tycoon known for vertical integration.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
This labor union, founded by Samuel Gompers, only allowed skilled workers and focused on practical economic goals.
What is the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?
This 1862 law granted settlers 160 acres of land if they improved it over five years.
What is the Homestead Act?
This sensationalized style of journalism helped fuel public support for the Spanish-American War.
What is yellow journalism?
The Progressive Movement aimed to fight corruption, promote democracy, and regulate this part of the economy.
What is big business?
This business practice, used by John D. Rockefeller, involved buying out competitors to control an industry.
What is horizontal integration?
What is price cutting?
This 1886 labor protest in Chicago turned violent and led to a decline in union popularity.
What is the Haymarket Riot?
This group of immigrants played a key role in building the transcontinental railroad.
Who are the Chinese immigrants?
Under this treaty, the U.S. acquired the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico from Spain.
What is the Treaty of Paris (1898)?
This constitutional amendment, ratified in 1920, granted women the right to vote.
What is the 19th Amendment?
This invention, created by Alexander Graham Bell, revolutionized communication in the late 19th century.
What is the telephone?
This was the first racially-inclusive major national labor union in the United States.
What is the Knights of Labor?
This 1890 event marked the last major armed conflict between Native Americans and the U.S. government.
What is the Wounded Knee Massacre?
This U.S. policy aimed to ensure equal trading rights for all nations in China.
What is the Open Door Policy?
Upton Sinclair’s book "The Jungle" exposed unsafe conditions in this industry.
What is the meatpacking industry?
This economic philosophy argued that businesses should operate without government interference.
What is laissez-faire capitalism
During the 1894 Pullman Strike, workers demanded this change to their wages to reflect what new problem they faced?
What is increased rent in company-owned housing?
This 1887 law aimed to assimilate Native Americans by dividing tribal lands into individual family plots.
What is the Dawes Act?
Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy was summed up in this famous phrase.
What is "Big Stick Diplomacy"?
The three C’s of Roosevelt’s Square Deal were control of corporations, consumer protection, and this environmental policy.
What is conservation?
This 1890 law was the first federal attempt to regulate monopolies in the United States.
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?
He was the leader of the American Railway Union and later became a socialist presidential candidate.
Who is Eugene V. Debs?
In his 1893 essay, this historian argued that the frontier had shaped American democracy and individualism.
Who is Frederick Jackson Turner?
This series of Supreme Court cases ruled that constitutional rights did not automatically extend to U.S. territories.
What are the Insular Cases?
This 1913 law created a national banking system to regulate the money supply.
What is the Federal Reserve Act?