European Exploration
Native Americans
British colonies
Colonial Culture
This was a major cause of the decline of native populations in the Americas after 1492.

What is epidemics and diseases that were spread by Europeans. 


In this region, Native Americans lived in tipis made of buffalo hides. 

What is the Great Plains?

This colonial region was most likely to use indentured servants because of their reliance on tobacco. 

What is the Chesapeak regions? 


The goal of this system was to gain more wealth through trade and exhange of goods. 

What is merchantilism? 


This inspired ideas about liberty, equality, and laws of nature in colonial America. 

What is the Enlightenment?


This system was used by the Spanish to force indigenous people to do labor in order to generate more wealth. 

What is the encomienda system?


This is how Native Americans reacted to early efforts by colonists to attempts to force them into labor.

What is resisted and defended their territory? 


The settlers of Plymouth wrote this to agree to self-govern their colony.

What is the Mayflower Compact? 


These laws restricted who the colonists could trade with and imposed taxes on trade. 

What are the Navigation Acts?


This movement caused a revival of religious beliefs and led to new denominations in the colonies. 

What is the Great Awakening?


This was the exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the New world and Old world. 

What is the Columbian Exhange? 


Due to lack of native resistance to old world diseases, both the Spanish and American colonists found new sources of labor from...

What were enslaved Africans?


This group of settlers came to New England to purify the church of England, but were intolerant of other religions. 

What are the Puritans? 


The high demand for agriculutral goods from the colonies led to this aspect of the transatlantic trade system.

What is the Atlatic Slave Trade?

This evangelical New Light preacher traveled to insipire religious revivals, mainly in the Middle colonies.

Who was George Whitefield?

This is one positive outcome of the Columbian Exchange. 

What is Europe got new crops and raw materials that resulted in population growth and economic development?


This was the outcome of Metacom's War (also knows as King Phillip's War).

What is the Wampanog tribe was decimiated, and many moved west.


This region was most reliant on the labor of enslaved Africans. 

What is the South (South Caroline and the West Indies)?


Early on, the colonists were able to establish trade with other European countries because of this British policy.

What is salutary neglect? 

One things in common between the Great Awakening and Enlightment was their belief in this idea that would later inspire the American revolution. 

What is liberty?


This was a direct result of large numbers of natives living in Spanish colonies dying of disease, and being unfit for labor. 

What is the emergence of the slave trade?


Of the two competing theories about Native American societies before 1492, which irrigation systems built by those living in the southwest support?

Native Americans established complex societies, and adapted and transformed their enviroment. 


This colonial region has the most ethic and economic diversity. 

What are the middle colonies?


This is how Africans who were subject to the harsh conditions of the Atlantic Slave trade reacted. 

Resistance, including incidents of rebellion. 
These people embraced Enlightenment ideas and hoped they would bring them more freedom and equality.

Who were indentured servants and those who were poor and lacked power. 
