The document that declared all slaves free in the rebelling Confederate states.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation
This battle was fought in Sharpsburg, Maryland and was the bloodiest single day in American Military History. It halted the Confederate advancement into the North.
What is The Battle of Antietam?
System created to help Congress with the additional revenue from industry growth.
National Banking System
Which side of the war favored slavery, weak central governments, and states' rights?
What is the Confederacy or the South?
The president during the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln
The initial purpose of the Civil war.
To preserve the Union
This Battle was fought in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. It was a turning point in the Civil War that marked the Confederacy's decline.
What is The Battle of Gettysburg?
Authorized the building of a transcontinental railroad over a northern route in order to link the economies of California and the Western territories with the Eastern states.
The Pacific Railway Act
This march occurred in Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah and showed the practice of total war. It was a devastating blow to the south where the Union destroyed and burned everything in their path.
What is Sherman's March?
How do you say your mom in espanol?
Tu mama!!!
The Confiscation Acts
This campaign was led by the Union and took place from March to July in 1862. The goal was to capture the Confederate capitol of Richmond Virginia but the Union failed.
What is The Peninsula Campaign?
Form of paper currency issued by the U.S. Treasury.
The confederacy attempted this in order to gain favor from European nations in the war.
What is Cotton Diplomacy or selling cotton?
Who was the 40th president.
Ronald Reagan
The region where slavery was still allowed due to fear that they would leave the Union.
Border States
This Battle was fought in the Charleston Harbor in South Carolina on April 12, 1861. In the end, the Union soldiers had to surrender because they were out of supplies.
What is The Battle of Fort Sumter?
Raised tariff rates to increase revenue and protect American manufacturers.
The Morrill Tariff Act (1861)
True or False, the Confederacy fought an offensive war while the Union fought a defensive war.
What is False?
This principal was suspended during the war because Lincoln wanted to focus on prosecuting.
Writ of Habeas Corpus
The general who refused to return escaped slaves back to the Confederacy due to "contraband of war."
General Benjamin Butler
This battle was fought in Bull Run Creek in Virginia and was the first land battle victory, and it was won by the Confederacy.
What is the First Battle of Bull Run?
Three things the federal government did to finance the war.
Raised Tariffs, added excise taxes, and instituted the first income tax.
The Union used this plan which involved blocking Southern Ports and controlling the Mississippi River. The goal was to apply pressure to the south and wear them down and eventually conquer Richmond Virginia.
What is The Anaconda Plan?
What do you do when life gives you lemons?
Make some lemonade