Which oceans can you find dolphins in?
All oceans
which animals eat sea otters?
killer whales
do jelly fish have eyes?
no, only parts that are sensitive to light
how tall can they be?
Up to 10 feet!
under water
What sounds do dolphins make?
clicks, squeaks & whistles
what food do sea otters eat?
seafood things, crabs, snails
Do jellyfish have brains?
which animals eat sea lions?
whales, sharks, humans
what's the difference between frogs and toads?
frogs leap and toads move by walking
What do dolphins eat?
A variety of fish, squid, shrimps, jellyfish and octopuses
what's the name of groups of otters?
How much do octopuses weigh?
Up to 5 pounds
How long do sea lions live for?
20-30 years
What do frogs eat?
Insects that they catch with their long, sticky tongue, snails, slugs and worms. Young tadpoles feed on algae
What are dolphins known for?
How smart they are
what's the difference between sea and river otter?
the larger tale
what do squids eat?
fishes and shrimp
how many babies do sea lions have? how often
usually 1, not always every year
when do they usually hibernate?
during winter when the temperature is below 10 degrees
What do dolphins love to do?
Jump out of the water and play
how do they rest?
floating on their backs
Do jellyfish sleep?
how have they become endangered?
humans hunting, killer whales killing, increase in parasites, and environmental change
why can we know about the health of an environment by looking at a frog?
their skin is thin so they absorb their environment easily