These rock formations hang "tite" from the cave's ceiling...
A famous mammal that sleeps upside down in the cave and uses echolocation to fly around.
What's the name of the aquifer beneath the cave?
Edward's Aquifer
Estas formaciones cuelgan del techo de una cueva...
You "mite" trip over these rock formations growing from the cave's floor...
It's an insect that ultimately feeds the other animal species inside the cave...
Cave Cricket
An opening on the surface where water discharges from the aquifer.
Un famoso mamífero de Austin que duerme patas arriba en el techo de la cueva y usa
ecolocación para volar.
What's the name of the mineral that stalactites and stalagmites are made of?
What's the name of the aquatic salamander species that is blind and is endemic to (only lives) in Austin?
Austin Blind Salamander (Eurycea waterlooensis)
The type of sedimentary rock that forms the Edward's Aquifer.
Es una apertura en la superficie donde el agua sale del acuifero.
A natural opening in the limestone, big enough for a person to enter...
What's the name of the aquatic salamander species that is NOT blind and lives in Eliza Springs?
Barton Springs Salamander (Eurycea sosorum)
Area of land that allows rainwater runoff to drain into the aquifer...
El tipo de roca que forma el acuífero Edward.
A bowl-shaped depression that forms on the surface when rock layers below the surface have collapsed.
Genetic changes, or mutations, that help organisms survive and reproduce in their environments...
Natural adaptations
A scientific study by hydrogeologists to determine the flow routes and times of underground water movement.
Dye trace
Zona de la superficie terrestre donde las aguas fluyen hacia un mismo punto de salida, como un arroyo o rio.