How would you conjugate "trabajar" for "yo"?
What is "trabajo"
How do you say "I like" in Spanish?
What is "me gusta"
What is "to draw" in Spanish?
What is "dibujar"
How would you conjugate "patinar" for "usted"?
What is "patina"
How do you say "he likes" in Spanish?
What is "le gusta"
What is the subject pronoun being used for the verb "cocinas"?
What is "tú"
How do you say "What do you like?" in Spanish?
What is "¿Qué te gusta"
What is "to talk" in Spanish?
What is "hablar"
How do you say "I do not like…" in Spanish?
What is "No, no me gusta"
What is "to take" in Spanish?
What is "tomar"
How would you conjugate "trabajar" for "Mario y tu"?
What is "trabajan"
How do you say "Do you like…?" in Spanish?
What is "¿Te gusta…?"