What is Mr. Jones full first name?
Where is the nose-blowing machine located?
in the Rumbury Tube Station
Why is Mortimer peering into Arabel's eggs?
He's looking for diamonds.
This character only likes Mortimer when she thinks she will never see him again.
Mrs. Jones
What did Mr. Jones give Mortimer when they first met.
What is the name of Arabel's babysitter?
Chris Cross
Where are Arabel's parents?
At the Furrier's Freewheeling Ball.
What was one thing Mortimer tried to climb on to get to the guitar?
an ironing board, trash bin, milk bottle and cheese grater.
Who got their feet massaged at the tube station?
What is the name of the uncle who works at the Rumbury train station?
What is Arabel's mother's first name?
Where does the babysitter hide?
in the laundry basket
What did Arabel, the babysitter and Mortimer dress as to play hide and seek?
Why does Mortimer want to get the guitar?
He wants to see if there are diamonds in it.
What is the name of the nurse at the hospital Arabel goes to?
Sister Bridget
What is the name of the police sargeant?
Sargeant Pike
Where does Arabel win 10 pounds and 43 pence?
at a fruit machine (slot machine) in the arcade
Which country did Mrs. Jones think black mambas come from?
Saudi Arabia
What kind of bird do the baddies think Mortimer is?
A Myna bird
What terrible name do Cindy, Lindy and Mindy call Arabel?
"orrible Arabel, orrible Arabel"
What are the names of the two crooks?
Sid and Bill
Where did Mrs. Jones find two guns?
In Arabel's red wagon.
At first, Mrs. Jones thinks black mambas have attacked Arabel and Mortimer. What does Mrs. Jones think has attacked Arabel and Mortimer after that?
gorillas, then dwarfs, then Arabian knights
Why were the two baddies "bleeding freely from a number of wounds." (p. 140)
Mortimer attacked them when they tried to take him from Arabel
What does the uncle call escalators?