How do we pronounce فستان ?
What is fostan?
What color is أخضر in english?
What are the rules to pronounce 101-999
What is Hundreds first, wa, ones, wa tenths
True or False: Ahmar wa Azraaq makes Sawda
What is False?
What is Za'aed
How do we pronounce بلوزة in english?
What is Bloozeh?
What is the Masculine form of blue in arabic?
What is Azraaq?
What is ثلاثة عشر in english letters?
What is Talatash?
True or false: feminine colors start with an A
What is False?
What colors are in the Canadian flag?
What is Ahmar wa Abyad?
Kondarah is for what gender in arabic?
What is benet?
How do we pronounce أسود in english?
What is Aswad?
The answer to arba'alaf qesmeh eshreen
What is metain?
True or False: Sitteh is 7 in english
What is True
What number is less than Khamseh but greater than talateh?
What is Arb'ah?
What is بدلة in english?
What is suit?
This color is made when Ahmar wa Azraaq is mixed
What is Banafsaji?
What is the name for ١٠
What is Esharah?
True or False: meyeh dharb etnain yousawwe metain?
What is true?
What color is made when ahmar wa abyad is mixed?
What is Zahrii?
What is the boy wearing?
الوالد wearing قميص أزرق وبنطلون أسود
The boy is wearing a blue button shirt and black pants
What are the school colors in arabic?
What is Abyad wa Aswad wa Ahmar
How do we say 2,023 in arabic?
What is Alfain wa talateh wa Eshreen
A MaحFazah is for male True or False
What is False
What does تنورة in english mean?
What is Skirt?