How many letters are fee the Arabic Alphabet? (Fee Arabic)
Tamanyeh wa Eeshreen (28)
How do we say hada با ب
Baab (door)
Shoo is hada letter س (Give Example)
Seen; sit
Is hada short or long A : أ
Short A
Shoo do these letters form أنا
How do we read & write fee Arabic?
Right To Left
Shoo is the difference between ا & أ
One is short A and the other is long A
Shoo is hada غ (Give The Sound Too)
Ghayn; gargling sound
Shoo is the difference between Hada & Hadi ?
Hada is masculine, Hadi is feminine
Shoo word do these letters form وَلَد
Shoo is the "P" sound fee Arabic?
There is NO "P" sound fee Arabic !!
How do we say hada صدحبا ?
Shoo letter makes the scratching throat sound?
(Khaa) خ
Hada Kondarah Safra (Fix The Mistake)
Hadi Kondarah Safra
How do we say hada fee Arabic بتاتا
How many short vowels are there fee Arabic? (list them)
There are talateh short vowels fee Arabic
Short O, Short E, Short A
Shoo is hada letter ج ? (Give example)
Geem; G (Georgia)
Shoo sound does hada ح make?
Heavy; panting sound (Habibi)
Shoo are the sounds of ة
Ah or Eh (Taa Marboota)
Shoo letter is used for the word coffee?
(Gahf) ق
Where are short vowels placed on letters?
Short vowels are either placed at the top or bottom of the letter
Shoo is hada تشرفنا
Tasharafnaa (Nice To Meet You)
Shoo type of vowel is shown بَ
Short A
How do we make feminine adjectives?
Add Taa Marboota to the end of a masculine adjective
How are phrases formed fee Arabic?
Adjectives comes after nouns