How do you greet someone in the morning?
What is sabah elkheer
صباح الخير
What color is Egypt flag ?
What is red, white, black, and yellow
What is peace be upon you in Arabic?
What is Assalamu alaykum
السلام عليكم
what is my college certificate arrived in Arabic?
What is
كلية / وصلت شهادتي الجامعية
What is longest river in Africa that is also the longest river in the world?
What is The Nile River
What is my school bag is big in Arabic?
What is حقيبتي المدرسية كبيرة
How do you say good bye in Arabic
What is Ma'assalama
how do you say (how is the weather in Arabic)?
What is Kayfa altaqs? كيف الطقس؟ kayfa aljaw? كيف الجو ؟
My flag colors are green, yellow, and red
What is Mauritania
What is my uncle (father's side) is visiting my nephew and niece (brother's kids) in Arabic?
What is عمي (من جهة الأب) يزور ابن أخي وابنة أخي