What is the first letter in Arabic Alphabet ?
What is Alif
What Arabic country is Ms. Alnabulsi from?
What is hello in Arabic?
What is Ahlan or Marhaba
I like.
What is أحب
What is sun?
Connect the following letters م +ا+م+ا
What is ماما
?What is moon
What is Kammarقمر?
Connect the following letters ب+ا+ب+ا
What is بابا
what is apple?
How do you say good bye in Arabic
What is Ma'assalama
connect the following letters ب+ي+ت
What is بيت
how do you say (how is the weather in Arabic)?
What is Kayfa altaqs? كيف الطقس؟ kayfa aljaw? كيف الجو ؟
Famous animal in the Arab world
What is grandfather in Arabic?
What is جدي؟