His bench?
What is Maq'aduhu
Not a little girl
What is Waladun
What you do when you room is messy
What is Uratibul Ghurfa?
What is Yaddun
What is Baytunaa
I help people get better and I work at a hospital
What is Tabeebun
Where are you from?
What is Maan Aiyna Ant?
You use this to speak
what is Famun
Her hand
What is Yaduhaa
A female who seeks knowledge
What is Taalibah
I want coffee
What is Ooreedu Qahwa?
You use this to smell
what is Anfun
She is
What is Qiya
Gender of my father
What is Rajulun
Is this a shirt?
What is A'hatha Qamees
This what you use to taste with
What is Leesaanun
This is your desk
What is Hathaa Maktabuki
What is Najm
What you need when you can't do something by yourself
What is Ahtaj Musaa'adah
This has eyes to see, a nose to smell and a mouth to speak
What is Wajhun