Greek Mythology
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Greek Gods
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This Greek mythological character has snakes for hair and turns her viewers to stone. 

Who is Medusa? After incurring the wrath of the goddess Athena, Medusa was cursed to become a vicious monster. 


One of the most famous Greek pies is made of this type of meat, cut from big grills and turned continuously over the heat.

What are Gyros? Gyros can be served in the pie with tomatoes, onions, yogurt, tzatziki, french fries or nothing at all.


This Greek god of the sky was known as the king of Olympus. 

Who is Zeus? Also known as Jupiter, Zeus was the brother of Poseidon and Hades, and was one of the main twelve Olympians.


This half-man, half-bull creature terrorized its victims in an underground labyrinth on Crete. 

What is the Minotaur? The Minotaur is most well known for his role in the myth of Theseus, who slayed the Minotaur to protect young Athenian children. 


At the first Olympics in 1896, winners received a silver medal and this natural symbol of peace.

What is an olive branch? According to ancient Greek myth, Athene presented the city of Athens with an olive branch or tree, regarded as a symbol of peace. A crown of olive would be presented as a high civic honor, and as a prize in the Olympic Games. 


This ancient Greek father and son duo is well known for their invention of wax wings and flying too close to the sun. 

Who are Icarus and Daedalus? To escape their imprisonment on Crete, they built mechanical wings out of wax and feathers and flew from their prison. However, after ignoring his father's warnings, Icarus flew too close to the sun, his wings melted, and he fell into the sea. 


This is the Greek equivalent of a shish kabob.

What is souvlaki? Souvlaki is marinated pork, chicken, beef, or lamb grilled on a skewer.


The Roman name for this beautiful goddess is Venus. 

Who is Aphrodite? Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty.


If you call someone narcissistic, you are comparing them to this ancient Greek character. 

Who is Narcissus? Narcissus was a beautiful Greek man; so beautiful that he fell in love with his own beauty and drowned while staring into his own reflection in a pool of water.


The Olympic rings are blue, green, red, black, and this color. 

What is yellow? The five colors represented in the Olympic rings are meant to signify the togetherness of the different nations that participate in the Olympics.


During the Trojan War, the Greeks hid inside this to get past the walls of Troy and win the war. 

What is a wooden horse? Odysseus cleverly thought up the idea of presenting the Trojans with a "gift" that would lead to their downfall. 


In addition to yogurt and garlic, this dairy product is one of the main ingredients of tzatziki dip. 

What is yogurt? Tzatziki is not only a tasty, multi-use sauce, it's also a smart food pick. Its blend of yogurt, cucumber, olive oil, garlic, lemon, and herbs delivers key nutrients, which are proposed to support heart health, gut health, and may even lower diabetes risk.


The trident is the symbol of this god of the sea. 

Who is Poseidon? Also known as Neptune, he was the god of the sea, water, earthquakes, and horses. 


This giant, one-eyed mythological monster played a large role in the Odyssey.

What is the Cyclops? This fearsome creature lived in a cave where he tended to his flock of sheep. 


This country has hosted the most Olympic Games.

What is the United States? America has hosted eight Olympic Games.


This mythological monster was known for its nine heads and epic battle with Hercules. 

What is the Hydra? This dangerous snake-like dragon was one of Hercules' twelve labors. Each time Hercules cut off one head, two more would grow in its place. 


This delicious Greek dessert is made of filo pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey. 

What is baklava? This dessert traces its roots back thousands of years, with Greece and Turkey both claiming to be its origin country.


The goddess Juno sent this legendary ancient Greek demigod on his twelve labors. 

Who is Hercules? Also known as Heracles, he was one of Zeus' sons, and was granted immortality after his death. 


Her face launched a thousand ships. 

Who is Helen of Troy? Helen was the beautiful daughter of Zeus and was kidnapped by the Trojan prince Paris, thus starting the Trojan War. 


The Olympic Torch is lit here every year. 

What is Olympia, Greece? The torch lighting is a symbol of continuity between ancient and modern games. The Olympic flame is lit at Olympia, Greece, several months before the Olympic Games.


If you have a weak heel, you have something in common with this legendary ancient Greek fighter.

Who is Achilles? Known for his inhuman strength and military triumphs, Achilles was undefeatable... except for one vulnerable spot. One arrow shot at his heel was enough to spell the end for Achilles.


Wheat, wine, and this common cooking ingredient are commonly known as the "Mediterranean Triad" on which ancient Greek cuisine was based. 

What is olive oil? Olive oil was so important to ancient Greek society that it was used as a form of currency, and even Olympic athletes were anointed with olive oil before their competitions and awarded olive branches for winning events.


This god of death reigned over the underworld and was brother to Zeus and Poseidon. 

Who is Hades? Also known as Pluto, Hades was known his ability to turn invisible. 


This Greek woman opened a box that released all of the evils in the world. 

Who is Pandora? Pandora was instructed by Zeus to not open the jar under any circumstances, but curiosity got the better of her. She opened it and all the evils of the world flew out, and when she slammed the box shut, she left Hope inside. 


This notorious ancient Roman emperor was known for his cruelty and his declaration of himself as winner of the Olympic Games... even though he fell out of his chariot. 

Who is Nero? Nero was also very fond of chariot racing, even going so far as to invent a 10 horse chariot race which he competed in at the Olympics – he fell out of the chariot and had to be popped back in; although didn't complete the race he still won. It's good to be the emperor.
