This cavy breed where ridges and rosettes are allotted the same number of points.
An applicant that wants to work at a show for their judge’s or registrar’s license
must first obtain permission from whom?
Who is the show Superintendent
In some breeds, Blue Chinchilla is referred to as this.
What is a squirrel
Inflammation of the inner membrane of the eyelid and sometimes the portion of the membrane that covers the white of the eye.
What is conjunctivitis
This DQ involves an eye that is whiteish on the surface and having a milky film.
What is wall/moon eye
This breed’s fur is described as an abundance of visible guard hairs which causes a frosty sheen
What is a Blanc de Hotot
What is the soonest a club can apply for their ARBA Show sanction?
What is 2 years
This is the Chestnut equivalent in Dutch and English Spots.
What is Grey
A pendulous fold of loose skin that hangs from the throat.
What is a dewlap
Pre Jr and Junior Bucks must show both or neitherof these. Only showing 1
is a DQ.
What are testicles
Density and kink are worth the same amount of points on this cavy breed.
What is a Teddy
The show secretary has these many days to send exhibitors their
show reports after a show
What is 30 Days
These are the only 3 breeds that write Chestnut as Black Chestnut Agouti.
What are the are English, French, and Mini Lops
The portion of the body, starting with the neck, back to, and including the last rib
What is the forequarters
A DQ where teeth meet head on, with no overlap of upper teeth over the lower
What is Simple Malocclusion / Butting teeth / pegged teeth
This marked breed is said to have originated in Holland and is one of the oldest known breeds, as well as one of the most popular
What is a Dutch
There must be a licensed ARBA Registrar at every ARBA Sanctioned show with this exception.
What are fairs
The Copper varieties in the Satin and Mini Satin breeds are also known as what in
other breeds?
What is Chestnut
Also: Castor, Sanday, Grey
The narrow white line running between the ears of a Dutch, connecting the blaze
to the neck marking.
What is the hairline
In this variety pattern, pre juniors, juniors and animals in heavy molt are faulted if
they lack ring definition.
What is the Agouti Pattern
This Angora breed’s coat will generally show a more brilliance color to it.
What is a Satin Angora
A judging class will be officially closed when what happens?
What is, When First Place is Awarded
Which breeds write Tortoiseshell as opposed to Tortoise?
What are the American Fuzzy Lop, English Lop, French Angora, Satin Angora, Jersey Wooly, and Netherland Dwarf.
A weakness of color in the fur on either front or hind feet, appearing in the form
of light colored bars or streaks running across the feet and legs.
What are shadow bars
In Meat Pens, this section of the point schedule is allotted 20 points, and is faulted if it lacks.
What is Uniformity