Screen used to verify the classes a student was registered for prior to a drop.
Student Course Registration Audit Trail (SFASTCA)
I'm a Standard based program
What is LPN and Radiology
I've got 8 credit hours for Pell FA.
What is a half-time student.
Summary of student information and record student interactions
What is Navigate-Staff
I have enough experience in that - I can teach that class
What is open a PLA Case
Screen for Overrides
What is the Student Course Registration (SFAREGS)
If you complete the Cybersecurity program first, then there are 3 more classes to take and you can have me
What is Networking
I'm on AD and FA suspension with an approved appeal.
What is complete a SAP /ASP
Make sure students can schedule appointments
What is Set Availability
I don't like this program I want to do Telecom
Issue a COP
I think I'm on FA Suspension
Applicant Status (ROASTAT)- Eligibility Status Tab
I'm a two-year degree that needs 21 credits completed at VSU
What is Dental Hygiene
Bring your parents GA 500 form
What is proving State Residency for tuition purposes
Identify students associated with a specific group
What is Advanced Search
I have a BO hold on my account and want to pay.
What is make payment in the bookstore.
Screen to determine amounts in PELL, HOPE and other FA.
Award Maintenance (RPAAWRD)
I don't need to complete MATH or EMPL for this diploma program
What is HIMT Diploma
I'm going to graduate next term in automotive and want to take a couple of welding classes as well.
What is request a dual major
Complete your To-Do's
What is Path
I need to know my son's class schedule
What is check Banner (SPACMNT) for a waiver to speak to mom due to FERPA.