This is the color of the Arctic fox
This is what Arctic foxes mainly eat
This is the average number of babies the foxes have
This body part keeps the Artic fox's body temperature at 40 degrees
This is how Arctic foxes spread nutrients across their environment
By digging dens
This is what happens to the fox's coat in the summer
It becomes shorter and darker
This helps them blend in with their predators
Their white color
The fox population changes when this changes
The number of lemmings
This is another name for an Arctic fox
White Foxes or Polar Foxes
This acts as a snow boot for the Arctic fox
Their fur
When there is little food, the Arctic fox does this
Goes into a hibernation-like state by digging a den
This is the highest number of babies a fox can have
The Arctic fox sheds its coat during this part of the year
Arctic foxes follow behind this animal and eat its leftovers
Polar Bear
If there isn't enough snow around, the Arctic fox could lose this which would impact its ability to stay camouflaged
White fur