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It took less than 60 years for NASA to launch its first flight to the moon after these two successfully conducted their experiment.

Who are the Wright Brothers


This pop artist had a truly "thrilling" career throughout the 1980s, especially since his most-popular 1982 album continues to sell over 100,000 copies annually to this day.

Who is Michael Jackson


If ovens are your thing, you might be tempted to bake this number of items and save one to taste for yourself, which is why it has its misleading name.

What is a Baker's Dozen


These objects usually require a base file depicting existing objects and structures in the field pertaining to the type of service they provide.

What are Utility Lines


First posted on what was once Twitter in 2019, this recognizable image shows Real Housewives cast member Taylor Armstrong yelling at a cat.

What is Woman Yelling At Cat


Although no one knows the exact formula, this material used in Ancient Rome reacted with saltwater to form the most durable of its type.

What is Concrete


This cartoon got its start in 1987 with characters looking completely different from what we know today, and did not debut as a half-hour show until 1989.

What is The Simpsons


During the 6th century BC, this mathematician made several significant contributions to the field of mathematics, including a way to find the distance between diagonal corners of a rectangular shape.

Who is Pythagoras


Having been experienced by most of us on a consistent basis, this type of program disruption has also contributed to the development of CAD-anxiety and the belief that the program lets us work only when it wants to.

What is a Fatal Error crash


He was famously meme-d for sitting unamused in the cold wearing handmade mittens, though many "felt the (burn)" during his presidential nomination campaign.

Who is Bernie Sanders


This popular beverage gets its name from the same digestive enzyme used in products such as Pepcid AC and was believed to be a healthy drink to help with digestion.

What is Pepsi


The 1983 American debut of this now-necessary device weighed a whole 2 pounds and costed over $3,000 (in 1983-money).

What is a Cell Phone


In trigonometry, finding a missing length or angle in a triangle is as easy as 1, 2, 3... just as long as you have enough information to follow this Law.

What is the Law of Sines


Lines and objects that pertain to each other will look best on your drawing if they're drawn and placed on the correct one of these.

What is a Layer


A poor dog with a bowler hat was first pictured sitting at a table surrounded by flames, obliviously uttering this phrase.

What is "This is Fine"


This below-zero temperature is the only temperature reading that is the same in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

What is Negative-40 Degrees


In 1986, this fast-food chain nearly started a "war" with other restaurant chains by launching its own pizza, prompting some to declare "I'm (not) lovin' it."

What is McDonald's


Largely unknown to pop-culture, this branch of mathematics will have its students frequently asking a familiar question posed by Neo from the 1999 film The Matrix.

What is Linear Algebra


According to our company CAD expert, the practice of using this type of file should always be well-managed to avoid excessive file loading, saving, and regeneration time.

What is an XREF


This famous character has often been meme-d casually sipping a cup of Lipton tea and has become the 21st century epitome of nonchalance.

Who is Kermit the Frog


This wrestling champion won well-over 200 matches, losing only once, before becoming the "tallest" President of the United States.

Who is Abraham Lincoln


This television network kicked off its first broadcast day by cleverly playing the music video of the Buggles' ironic song "Video Killed the Radio Star" on August 1, 1981.

What is MTV


First developed in Ancient Greece, this branch of mathematics has been used to develop theorems and principles in engineering and physics including wave and particle motion, rate of change, and curve optimization.

What is Calculus


Use this command when experiencing longer-than-normal wait times, though you might not like it if it happened to you.

What is AUDIT


You might have seen this famous actress being meme-d for doing random things like smiling, or cheered her on with the audience as she introduces your movie at an AMC theater.

Who is Nicole Kidman
