Environmental Issues
Codes & Regulations
Materials & Technology
Project & Practice Management
How many square feet are in an acre?
What is 43,560 S.F.
water flow that occurs when soil is saturated to full capacity, often causing flooding, erosion and pollution.
What is surface runoff
An officially designated right to use someone else's property, such as for routing utilities or transportation systems.
What is an easement
The most stable soil type
What is Bedrock
A review process of propsed systems and materials used to explore less expensive options that will achieve the same result.
What is Value Engineering
The least desirable turning angle at an intersection at which point the turn becomes difficult to navigate and should be avoided.
What is acute angles less than 80 to 85 degrees
the legal means by which rainwater is managed and allocated among property owners .
What is Riparian Rights
The empty space above a property that is entitled under zoning laws to be developed or sold
What is air rights
The well decomposed, stable organic matter found in mineral soils
What is Humus
Contractor's overhead and profit typically amount to __% to 40% of construction cost?
What is 15% to 40%
The US Survey System was originated from what event? This event followed the Declaration of Independence. The method was detailed starting with the General Land Office's Instructions and Manuals series issued from 1851.
What is the Land Ordinance of 1785
The phenomenon where a city is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural area
What is Urban Heat Island Effect (or just Heat Island)
The standard size for an accessible parking stall and clear access zone
What is 9'x18' with a 5' clear zone
Rich soil containing equal parts of sand, silt and clay.
What is Loam
The method of scheduling that overlaps the design and construction phases of a project. Ordering of long lead materials and equipment can occur, and work on the site and foundations can begin before all the details of the building are completely worked out. Separate contracts are established so that each major system can be bid and awarded by itself to avoid delaying other construction.
What is fast-track scheduling
Arrangement of space so that each person can see and interact with the others
What is sociopetal
Name the interface between a freshwater river and the open sea, also name the type of water found there
What is an Estuary with Brackish Water
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Seizure of private property for uses benefitting the public, such as parks, roadways, and redevelopment projects
What is Eminent Domain
Soil, sand or mud deposited by flowing water
What is Alluvium
The estimated operational costs incurred of the life of a building component or system. It includes the intial cost of the component or system itself (capital cost), as well as future costs for maintenece, replacement, renovation, financing, etc. It is helpful in the analysis of the long term economic merits of alternate design solutions.
What is Life-Cycle Cost
The architect of Chandigarh, the captical city of Punjab built in 1953. Planned as a living organism and based on four major functions; iving, working, care of the body and spirit, and circulation, the city was built largely of unfinished concrete and exposed brick.
Who is Le Corbusier
If combined, the total area for this typical site feature would be large than the size of Rhode Island and Delaware together.
What are parking lots
The government entity having jurisdiction enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act
What is the U.S. Department of Justice
A test requested by the architect to determine the required area for a leaching field.
What is a Percolation Test
A more detailed version of the systems method for cost estimating. Each component of a building subsystem is itemized by type, quality and quantity. Allows for a detailed analysis of individual building componentns so alternatives can be specified to meet budget requirements.
What is the Parameter Method