This philosopher argued that truth is more important than comfort and criticized religion for changing its beliefs to fit new scientific discoveries.
Bertrand Russell
This theory, proposed by Charles Darwin, explains the process by which organisms with advantageous traits survive and reproduce.
theory of evolution
This religious text contains verses that match scientific findings, such as the development of the human embryo and the expansion of the universe.
This scientist and philosopher believed that science explains "how" the universe works, while religion answers "why" it is the way it is.
Albert Einstein
This is the name of Einstein’s equation, which shows the relationship between mass and energy.
This philosopher suggested that scientific findings should not contradict religion, arguing that "truth cannot contradict truth."
Galileo Galilei
This scientist’s trial in 1633 was a key moment in the history of science and religion, as he supported the heliocentric model of the universe.
Galileo Galilei
This concept in Chinese philosophy suggests that opposite forces, like science and religion, can exist in harmony.
Yin and Yang
This scientist believed that science and religion should be seen as complementary, with science answering "how" and religion answering "why."
Albert Einstein
This philosopher of the Vienna Circle believed that a statement is meaningful only if it can be verified scientifically.
A.J. Ayer (Logical Positivism)
theory involves the moral implications of medical and biological research, such as stem cell research and assisted reproductive technologies.
This philosopher, in his famous essay "Why I Am Not a Christian," argued that science offers more reliable truths than religion.
Bertrand Russell
This theory argues that science and religion are incompatible because science relies on evidence, while religion is based on faith and revelation.
epistemological incompatibility