What is at almost every cookout?
Hint: It's a type of meat.
What do most black people play?
Hint: It's stereotypical atp.
Basketball or football.
What makes every black child mad?
Hint: Something your mom does.
Calls your name and doesn't respond while u either tired or busy.
What does your mom say when you singing your favorite song and she tryna be funny?
I hope yk that schoolwork like yk them songs.
What song does every black person know?
Hint: 💘 Shuffle
Cupid Shuffle
What side is at every cookout?
Hint: It's cheesy.
Mac and cheese
Hint: They wear stripes.
The ref
Hint: Everyone should know this
Tell u to get a remote that she can get herself
What does your mom say when she sees you crying over a mistake you made?
Stop crying before I give you something to cry about.
What other song to black people know?
Hint: GDOI ⬇️
Get down on it.
What is something all black people know about?
Hint: It comes from a pig.
Chitlins or Pig feet
What does your auntie say when she sees you play good?
Hint: They are proud.
That's my nephew/neice
What do you say when u can't saw lie in front of your mom?
Fib, etc.
What does your mom say when u come in for water and go back outside?
Stop going in and out of my house!
What does your mom play when in a cleaning mood?
Hint: Its a genre
Either Gospel or R&B music
Deviled Eggs or Angel Eggs?
Hint: U thought 🫵😂
It doesn't matter they both slap.
Neither most times but I would say chess
What scares every black kid?
Hint: Its a natural weapon
The switch from a tree
What does your mom say out of nowhere?
Hint: GWTD
Go wash them dishes
James Brown is going viral on Tiktok for doing splits while preforming this song.
Hint: the 9th month
Hint: It looks like one but is not a chicken nugget.
What do black people do every basketball game?
Yell at refs, yell to cheer, just yell tbh.
What always finds its way in dish water?
Soggy food
What does this mean?
Hint: GIGATTATTGIG (typically in black movies during a church scene.)
God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
Type of music played inside and outside of a cookout.
Hint: It's a genre