This kids favorite drink is Sunny D
Mason Lopez
This kids Instagram handle is “sourgutss”
Who is Vivi M.
Currently Mikey is working at
What is a comedy club!
The age Carla gave birth to Mikey was:
What is 22
Anthony’s first name is
Who is Bernardo
The two boys who were NOT born in a cold month:
Who are Marco and Mason
Which kid asked for a terrarium for Christmas?
Who is Abigail Campos
This kid has gone out of the country 4 times:
Who is Briana Campos
Who was Sunset’s graduate in 1998?
Who is J.C Campos?
The Disney character that Amanda has tattoo’d on her body
Who is Tinker Bell
The child who’s probably watched the Mario movie 100 times would be:
Who is Bowie
This child is a basketball player and a cheerleader:
Who is Madilynn Campos
who’s favorite show is currently “New Girl”
Alyson M
The amount of tattoos Cindy has on her right side of her body is :
What is 2.
The year Papa had his first stroke was:
When was 2002
The amount of sad faces Bowie got this year in kindergarten:
What is only one because he’s a good boy
Which child needs to use migraine glasses?
Who is Angela Lopez
Who is mildly allergic to apples?
Who is Lexi Lou
The animal that is tattooed on Mikes body:
What are elephants?
The person who served 15 years behind bars
Big Mike Nimnic
The name of Marcos YouTube channel is:
What is MarkitoesTV
Point at each Swiftie in the room
I actually dk this, answer truthfully!
The amount of time Briana and Alexa spent in Mexico was:
??? I forgot, does anyone remember
YouTube platform in which Daniel is known for:
What is Raw Lemon
The form of transportation that Ita entered America in was:
What is a car