You are on a website and a stranger starts asking you for personal information. Is this a safe site?
Stand up for your friend. OR Both you and your friend log off
First Name
What is something you can do when you're not on your phone?
Many possibilities: play with friends, read a book, go outside, play a games, etc.
Your teacher has you go on a website to play educational games. Is this a safe site?
Everyone is playing a game on their phone. Your friend feels left out because she doesn't have a phone to play on. What should you do?
Invite them to join OR take a break from your phone to play with them
Last Name
When we have too much time on technology, how do we feel?
Many possible answers: overwhelmed, tired, antsy,
You are on a website, when the words become a little bit too difficult to read. What should you do?
Ask a parent if this is an ok website for you to be on
True or False: You should always be kind when online
Phone number
How do you know when it's time to take a technology break?
Many correct answers: when you are feeling drained, when your eyes are hurting, when you've been on for more than a couple hours, when your parents tell you to
What does a "YELLOW" website mean?
It may or may not be safe for you to visit. Ask a grown-up if it's ok
How can you show kindness online?
stand up to bullies, say nice words to others, be inclusive
Favorite Animal?
Log off! Never give out private information
True or false: If something feels wrong, it probably is. Always trust your gut when visiting websites.
There's something online that you don't like. Should you leave a mean comment telling them what you think?
No! Just log off and ignore the person. It's always better to take the high road.
School Address
What is media balance?
Taking breaks from technology to spend time doing other activities