This event should last no more than 15 minutes and helps the team synchronize their work.
What is the Daily Stand-up (or Daily Scrum)?
This role is responsible for defining the priorities for sprint planning.
Who is the Product Owner?
The purpose of the sprint review is to inspect the increment and collect feedback from this group.
Who are stakeholders?
The retrospective focuses on this, rather than the product.
What is the team’s process?
Backlog refinement ensures that work is ready for this event.
What is sprint planning?
A common mistake, this behavior turns the stand-up into a status report for the manager instead of a team discussion.
What is reporting instead of collaborating?
This anti-pattern occurs when a team takes on more work than they can realistically complete in a sprint.
What is overcommitting?
A best practice for sprint reviews, teams should avoid this type of demo that doesn’t show working software.
What is a PowerPoint demo (or theoretical demo)?
A retrospective anti-pattern, this behavior happens when the same issues come up repeatedly without action.
What is not following through on action items?
This framework helps teams break down user stories into smaller, manageable pieces.
What is INVEST (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable)?
To make stand-ups more effective, teams should avoid doing this while waiting for their turn to speak.
What is multitasking (or not actively listening)?
Cloud teams must factor in this type of work when planning, as it can affect sprint commitments.
What is operational (or on-call) support work?
In cloud-based teams, sprint reviews should include this metric to show system stability after deployment.
What is error rate (or system reliability)?
Cloud teams should discuss this in retrospectives to improve infrastructure efficiency and cost.
What is cloud resource optimization?
In cloud-based teams, backlog refinement should account for this type of technical work to avoid system bottlenecks.
What is performance tuning (or infrastructure automation)?
When discussing blockers, teams should avoid this mistake, which delays problem-solving and affects sprint progress.
What is waiting until the next stand-up to raise an issue?
This metric, based on past performance, helps teams decide how much work to bring into the sprint.
What is velocity?
This mistake reduces the value of sprint reviews when teams only showcase completed work without engaging in this key activity.
What is gathering stakeholder feedback?
A sign of an ineffective retrospective, this happens when the team only discusses what went wrong.
What is a blame culture?
A sign of poor backlog refinement, teams struggle with planning when backlog items lack these two attributes.
What are priority and clarity?
In remote cloud teams, this technique prevents daily stand-ups from becoming chaotic when multiple people try to speak at the same time.
What is using a round-robin or handoff approach?
A common pitfall, teams struggle with sprint planning when backlog items lack this characteristic, making them difficult to estimate.
What is clear acceptance criteria?
When teams repeatedly fail to meet sprint goals, this discussion should be introduced in sprint reviews.
What is the impact of unplanned work (or adjusting sprint commitments)?
Retrospectives become ineffective when this fundamental principle of psychological safety is missing.
What is trust (or open and honest communication)?
When backlog refinement becomes too focused on technical details, teams should use this technique to realign with customer needs.
What is user story mapping?