Who Am I?
Interview to Win
The Real World
Do's and Dont's
Wild Dawg Cards
Jessie is a sophomore at UGA and needs a lot of assistance "figuring things out" with her major and future career. Who can she see at the Career Center for help with her resume, cover letter, job search strategies and to have a mock interview?
What is a Career Consultant
Julie is preparing to apply for her very first job. Since she has never been employed before, she does not have a solid resume handy. She has tried to organize one herself but it has become very frustrating for her. Name one online resource that Julie can use in order to help her create her resume?
What is Resume Builder
Angela is set to graduate in 1 year from UGA and she feels very behind. She likes her English major but feels overwhelmed in deciding on a specific career path. She has a very busy schedule and has not been able to attend any career fairs yet hosted at UGA. What is another resource that she can find online that will give her information about her Career Consultant, the Career Center, campus recruiting, graduate school, cover letter writing, resume building and information about interviewing? Hint: This is a VERY valuable resource for students!
What is the UGA Career Guide
John is a freshman student who has just created an email address. He is a PROUD Bulldog and wants to show his school pride in every way. He created an email using the name number1dawgfan@uga.edu. John showed his new account to a friend who suggested that John change his email address before he emails his homework to his professor tonight. What would you suggest that John do?
What is Use an appropriate email address. John's current address shows poor email etiquette.
Can you name at least ONE of the FREE suggested books listed on the UGA Career Center website for students interested in nonprofit work?
What is Making A Difference: A Guide to Personal Profit in a Nonprofit World; Service Corps to Social Impact Career: A Companion to the Idealist Guides to Nonprofit Careers; Guide to Nonprofit Careers for First-Time Job Seekers; The Idealist Guide to Nonprofit Careers for Sector Switchers
Britney is a soon-to-be UGA graduate with a degree in Psychology. However, she is not quite ready to go to graduate school and she knows that she cannot work as a Psychologist without earning another degree. Britney also wants to take some time to gain valuable experience and learn more about herself. She has been reading a lot about opportunities to teach classes abroad in China and this has really peaked her interest. What can Britney do to "fill the space" until she is ready to apply to graduate school? Hint: This may also be referred to as a "Year of Service" Program.
What is a Gap Year
Breanna has just landed a MAJOR interview for her internship this summer! However, she is starting to get nervous as she begins to prepare for her big day. She has never had a "real" interview before and she has no idea of what type of questions she may be asked. How can the Career Center help Breanna prepare for her interview?
What is a Mock Interview
This is UGA's "job board" and it is recommended as the primary resource for students to use when searching for internships and employment.
What is DAWGlink
Sha is a very involved Sophomore student at UGA. She holds leadership roles within several organizations on campus. She is currently applying for an internship that will give her the experience that she needs to land her dream job after graduation. She has updated her resume to reflect her stellar leadership experiences, making it approximately 3 pages in length. What is your advice for Sha and her current resume?
What is edit the resume down to ONE page.
The UGA Career Center website currently has a list of employers that are hiring UGA graduates. Can you name at least TWO employers from that list?
What is SunTrust, Teach for America, Macy's, Chic-fil-a, Google, The Home Depot, Biotest, CDC, Liberty Mutual, Hertz, Prudential, Aflac...
Richard is a Chemistry major with a minor in Biology. He is sure that he wants to go to medical school upon graduation next year, however he is still unsure as to what he wants to specialize in. He feels that he needs some "hands on experience" to help him clarify his career goals further. What is the name of the program sponsored by the UGA Career Center that would allow Richard to shadow and observe a medical professional in a specific work environment?
What is Intern for a Day
List the THREE types of interview questions that are listed on the UGA Career Center webpage.
What is Traditional, Case and Behavioral Interviews
Sarah is a business major at UGA. She has learned very quickly how important networking will be for her to be successful in her career. What is the name of the program/site that Sarah can use to help her increase her professional network online?
What is LinkedIn
Daphne is applying for a part-time position in the cafeteria on campus. She spoke with the employer today who informed her that he would be calling her to update her about her employment status. Currently, Daphne's voice mail is a recording of her signing her favorite pop song. What would you suggest that Daphne do in this situation?
What is make sure that the voice mail message reflects a professional image. Daphne's current voice mail shows poor professional etiquette.
Maxwell has decided to apply to graduate school but he is discovering that he is very unorganized. He misplaced one of his recommendation letters and his resume and CV have become wrinkled from being tossed around loosely on his desk. Now that he has found his missing letter, what is the name of a resource that Max can use in order to keep up with his application materials electronically?
What is Interfolio
Anthony is a freshman student and has not yet declared his major. He has a broad array of likes (and dislikes) and has found it difficult to narrow his choices down to just one. He is afraid that if he declares a major right now, he may change his mind again soon. What are at least TWO resources that Anthony has access to on the UGA Career Center site that would help him to explore his values, personality traits, work environment preferences and potential career plans?
What is the STRONG Interest Inventory; TypeFocus, Focus 2; Georgia Career Information System
List the FOUR major types of interviews described on the UGA Career Center webpage.
What is On-Campus, On-Site, Online and In Person Interviews
Ashley is currently in the process of applying to graduate school and has discovered that she has difficulty writing the personal statements for her applications. She has written a few drafts already but they do not seem to "flow" very well. What are TWO on-campus resources listed on the UGA Career Center site that Ashley can use to help her to complete her personal statements?
What is The University of Georgia Writing Center AND The Zeil B. Miller Learning Center
Pamela is eager to apply for her first job and just recently updated her resume. She is in a hurry to submit her application so that she can make it to the big football game on time. Although Pamela is excited about her potential employment, how many people should she have proofread her resume before she submits her application?
What is at LEAST 3 people, including your Career Consultant!
The purpose of this instrument is to provide critical information regarding the educational plans OR employment status of recent UGA graduates. This instrument also allows UGA graduates to highlight any staff or faculty members that may have had a special impact on their educational or career goals.
What is the Career Outcomes Survey.
Keyona is a sophomore student and she is having a difficult time choosing a major. She has performed very well in all of her classes so far, but she has not found a major yet that holds her interest for longer than a few classes. She has spoken to her parents, academic advisor, friends, and even taken a few personality tests to help her choose a major. However, she still needs some extra help. What is the name of the 2- credit class offered at UGA that is designed to help students engage in self-exploration and research potential careers?
What is ECHD 2050: Academic and Career Planning
Rachel will be graduating from UGA next Fall and she is worried about securing employment for the new year. She has worked closely with several faculty members on different projects but she is reluctant to talk to her professors about potential career paths. All of her professors have graciously offered to share information with Rachel either in person, over the phone or via email. What is this process called?
What is an Informational Interview
This program is designed to help the Career Center better meet the needs of the UGA community, by employing UGA students to help their peers with resume and cover letter critiques. This opportunity provides paid, hands-on work and leadership experience to UGA students.
What is the Career Development Internship
Kim is a very outspoken student. She frequently engages in conversations that many employers may consider to be "controversial" with her friends and followers on social media. She is currently in the interview process for a major corporate position to begin after graduation. What would you suggest for Kim to do before her interview?
What is "clean up" all social networking sites. Kim should also consider making and keeping them private.
At the Career Center, we are committed to providing services to ALL students. Thus, we have provided access to several resources that are designed for underrepresented students at UGA. Can you name at least TWO of those resources from the Career Center's website?
What is Diversity Campus Resources; Diversity Internship Programs; Diversity Programs and Events; How to Find a Company Committed to Diversity and Inclusion; Population Specific Resources