What/who is the N’shama BBG Mascot?
Klassie the koala!
Which areas are included in NRE?
Baltimore, DMV area including MOCO and HOCO, Northern Virginia
What does BBYO stand for?
It's a trick question-- it used to officially stand for B'nai Brith Youth Organization but now BBYO really is it's own incorporated name of the order. anything close to correct will be accepted
Name two summer programs
CLTC, ILTC, Kallah, BBYO Passport
What is N'shamas NEXT program?
Tomorrow, Monster Mini Golf!
What is our standup cause this year?
United Hatzallah
What are DC Councils colors?
blue and yellow
Fill in the blank. "Identity Identity....."
Who am I, a BBG
What does CLTC stand for?
Chapter Leadership Training Conference
When is Elections?
Sunday, December 15th
When was N'shama Founded
Name one other chapter in our region
Einstein AZA, Achsav BBG, Melech AZA, Beyla BBG, SIAT AZA, Besheret BBG, Ahavah BBG, Lantos AZA, Galim BBG, Ko'ach BBG, Max Cowan AZA, Oseh Shalom BBYO, Capital Hill BBYO, Yachad BBG
Name a region in NRE that is not DC Council
NOVA or Baltimore
What does ILTC stand for?
International Leadership Training Conference.
What is the next big Regional Event?
Regional Convention! RC!
Name all 8 board position's Hebrew and English title (or job description)
N'siah/Rosh Hanasif- President
S'ganit/Sgan- Vice President Programming
MIT Mom/MIT Parent- VP Membership
Shlicha/Shaliach- VP Religion & Social Action
Gizborit/Gizbor- Treasurer
Mazkirah/Mazkir- Social Media
Katvanint/Katvan- Secretary
Sunshine Girl/Sunshine Counterpart-Happiness, snacks, birthdays and chapter spirit
When was Northern Region East Founded?
Who is the current International N'siah (president)
Joelle Abaew
How many session of CLTC are there typically? How many sessions of ILTC?
5 and 1
What is Global Shabbat
All BBYO chapters and communities celebrate shabbat at the same time all across the globe
What is our chapter number?
What is DC Councils Mascot?
What is one country BBYO summer programs DON'T go to?
North Korea, Asia- China, Japan
When Is IC?