Dracula in Enland
What is Hellsings Ultimate
Where is Berlin
You died
What is Dark souls
WW2, Polio, Wheelchair
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt
It's Over 9000!
What is DBZ/ Who is Vageta
Historical and legendary characters from history are summoned to fight in a war
What is the Fate series
Where is Luxembourg City
Get dunked on!!!
What is Undertale
Annoying orange
Who is Donald John Trump
Hate Symbol
His father works as a chef for the President
What is Cory in da house
Where is Bangkok
Mission Failed, We'll Get 'Em Next Time
What is Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2
State named after him
Who is George Washington
Don't shoot a homie
Who is Harambe
Virgin 14 year old boy seduces goddesses and gals
What is DanMachi/ Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Where is Santiago
Game over, Yeah!!
What is Sega Rally Championship
Who is Barack Obama
Joe Mama
Who is joe
Boy who is actually a girl gets trapped in an MMO
What is .hack//Sign
Where is Cheyenne
You Died
What is Demon's Souls
Served as President for a month
Who is William Henry Harrison
All your base are belong to us
What is Zero wing