This is the first judge of Israel.
Who is Othniel?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This is the enemies of the Israelites when Gideon was Judge.
Who are the Midianites?
This item was used by Samson to destroy 3000 Philistines.
What is a donkey's jawbone?
These are what God created on the sixth day of creation.
What are animals and mankind?
This is the guy who died on the cross.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This judge was known to be a "Left handed" assassin!
Who is Ehud?
This is what Gideon used to hide his supplies from the enemies before being called by the Lord.
What is a wine press?
This role in society that Samson took is given to people who are dedicated to God and cannot break certain laws!
Who are the Nazarites?
This was the second plague sent by God for the Exodus.
What are frogs?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This is the number of the fruits of spirits found in Galatians 5.
What are nine fruits of the spirit?
This judge called upon Barak who, in the time of battle, failed to end the enemy commander, Sisera.
Who is Deborah?
This is what God made wet as a sign to Gideon.
What is fleece?
This is what Samson used to base his riddle on to confuse the Philistines!
What is honey inside of a lion?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This major prophet was known to have interpreted the dreams of king Nebuchadnezzar!
Who is Daniel?
This is the first miracle that Jesus performed in His ministry.
What is turning water into wine?
This judge was known to have taken down 600 Philistines with an ancient cattle prod.
Who is Shamgar?
This is what the men did who were chosen by God to join Joshua's army.
What is lapping the water?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This is the second item that was used to falsely restrain Samson.
What is new rope?
This is the book that records the niece of the Mordecai, the Benjaminite.
What is Esther?
What is Philippi?
This judge is known to have freed Israel at the cost of his own daughter!
Who is Jephthah?
This is the "god" that Gideon utterly disrespected by destroying its idol at night.
Who is Baal?
This is what Samson used to get revenge on the Philistines after losing a bet.
What are 300 foxes with torches?
This was the priest of God while the Philistines took the Ark from the Israelites.
Who is Eli?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This is the slave that belonged to Philemon that Paul was writing on behalf of.
Who is Onesimus?