What are some items in our resident's rooms that may cause a fire?

portable stove tops, microwaves, hot water kettle, rice cooker, lighters, candles


What do you do when you realize someone has a gun in the building?

1. Remove yourself from the situation. DO NOT ENGAGE!

2. Call for help, alert others and secure the area 

3. Report incident to authorities


What is the code for a medical emergency?

Code Blue/ All hands


When would resident's be evacuated from the building?

Natural disaster's, active shooter/hostile person, fire, chemical spill, gas leak


What's the code for a fire?

Code Red


How long does an active shooting typically last?

10-15 minutes. That is why, when this code is called, it is important that all staff members understand & know the buildings Plan of Action for emergency situations such as this to prevent as many casualties or injuries as possible.


Who are 3 people/staff you can report a medical emergency to?

Nurse, Front desk, Sam, Lisa


How do we evacuate residents out of a building?

1. move patients closest to the danger away first. 

2. direct people able to ambulate to safety 

3. escort walker or wheelchair dependent residents to a safe area. 

4. move stretcher or completely non ambulatory patients with Paraslyde, Ferno Evacuation chairs, mattresses or blankets


How do you use a fire extinguisher?


What is the code for a active shooter?

Code Silver


What are 3 signs that may suggest a medical emergency?

Difficulty breathing/ S.O.B.; Altered Mental status; Chest pain; Bleeding; Sudden injury


What do we tell residents to bring with them when evacuating the building?

1. medications (3 day supply at least)

2. identification card

3. cell phone 

4. clothes, food, water

5. flash light

6. whistle (if need to signal for help)

7. batteries

8. first-aid kit


What does the acronym R.A.C.E stand for?


When should you try to disarm someone w/ a weapon?

When you feel as if you will be shot no matter what, when you feel as if something terrible will happen if they are not disarmed.


How can we prevent a medical emergency from occuring?

1. Call light near resident at all times when in room/ in bed.

2. Phone near resident at all times in case of emergency

3. Check on residents frequently throughout the day 

4. Making sure alert necklace/life alert is with resident if they have it.

5. Make sure all equipment resident may need such as portable O2 or inhalers is w/ resident. 


When are the residents allowed back in the building after evacuating? 

Once authorities deem it safe to be back in the building. Typically involves an assessment by the local fire department, building inspectors, and nursing home staff, confirming the building is structurally sound and the emergency situation has been resolved.


Where are the fire extinguishers and fire alarms located in the building/floors?

fire extinguishers are located on every floor, both low and high side have fire extinguishers located on the walls of the hallway. Fire alarms on each side of the hall way on every floor.  


How to disarm an active shooter.

1. Stay out of the line of fire

2. Approach the armed person/weapon from the side

3.Lock your hands around the gun as tight as possible (the gun should jam at this point)

4. Overpower the person and take the gun away.


You walk into a room and find your resident in a medical emergency (unconscious, on the floor, bleeding, SOB, etc.). What do you do?

1. Assess, is the resident breathing? Are they able to respond at all? 

2. Call for help/ Dial 0/ Call for nurse 

4. Stay with resident until help arrives

3. Give situation + details of what occurred before and when you found the resident.


Where do residents go after being evacuated?

Designated evacuation centers. Schools, community centers, hotels, other facilities. 