Which Prophet (as) had control of the Jinn and was able to talk to animals?
What was revealed in this month ?
Bonus: Recite it
the first versus of the Quran
True or False: If you backbite, your fast is broken
False, but your reward is lowered
The Prophet who was tested by the illness all over his body and lose all of his children and prosperity?
Eyub (a.s.)
Which Surah doesn’t begin with the bismallah?
Surah Tawbah
How many gates of Jannah are there?
Do Suhur, even if its just a sip of water, there is barakah in it
Dates are good
Don't do Suhur too early, do it right before Fajr
What was the name of the flying animal on which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) travelled to the heavens?
How many Prophets (as) are mentioned by name in the Quran?
What are the first 3 Suras in the Quran
Fatiha, Baqara, Imran
Which pillar was commanded in the journey of al Isra wal Miraaj?
Praying 5 Times Salah
What is the name of the special door in Paradise for those who fast?
Fasting is a means of entry into Paradise and a protection from hell.
Which Angel is Hellfire’s gatekeeper?
Which Prophet (as) was tested inside of a fish?
Prophet Yunus as
Shortest Surah in the Quran
Who narrated the most number of ahadeeth?
Abu Hurayrah (r)
What are the two joys of the fasting person?
The Prophet said: "The fasting person has two occasions for joy, one when he breaks his fast because of his breaking it and the other when he meets his Lord because of the reward for his fast." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (7492) and Sahîh Muslim (1151)
Allah says, with His knowledge, He is more closer to us than our ________?
Jugular Vein
What was the relation between Prophet Musa (alayhi as-salaam) & Prophet Haroon (alayhi as-salaam)?
The first four caliph who commanded to collect the Quran as a one book?
Abu Bakr
How many times was prophet Mohammed mentioned directly in the Quran
What is the dua for seeing the new moon?
Allahumma ahillahu
"alayna bi "l-amni wa l-imán,
was-salamati wa 'I-'Islam, wat-tawfiqi limã tuhibbu
Rabbana wa tardã, Rabbunã wa Rabbukalläh.
O Allah, bring us the new moon with security and Faith, with peace and in Islam, and in harmony with what our Lord loves and what pleases Him. Our Lord and your Lord is Allah.
Who is one of the 4 best women of Jannah?
Khadija, Asia, Fatimah, Maryam
Which Prophet (as) is mentioned the most in the Quran by name?
Prophet Musa
Who is the only Sahaba whose name is mentioned in the Quran?
Zayd ibn Haarith