How many days are in a week?
What is 7?
what is 15
6 apples
Number of dimes to make 30 cents.
What is 3?
Name the proper nouns in the sentence.
Mrs. Jones works at Walmart after she gets off at our school Patrick Springs.
Mrs. Jones, Walmart, Patrick Springs
What is 22 + 37
What is 59?
Josie swam across the pool and then dived under the water.
swam, dived
300 + 60 + 5
What is 365?
What is a penny?
What is a tool used for measuring things?
Ruler, Measuring tape
Name one Digital Citizen
Head, Heart, Arms, Legs, Guts, Feet
Skip count by 5's starting with 25 and stopping at 80.
What is 25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80
Value of 20 nickels.
What is 100 cents or $1.00?
What is the plural of cat?
How many months are in a year?
There are 3 cookies and one is eaten. What fraction of cookies are left?
2/3 or two thirds
Number in tens place
What is 7?
2 quarters and 2 dimes
What is 50 cents?
True or False? A square has 3 equal sides
What is false. A square has 4 equal sides.
16th President that ended slavery?
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Name the NOUNS in the sentence.
The dog ran quickly through the yard.
dog, yard
How do we remove open apps on our iPad?
What is double click the home button and swipe them off?
Who can we share our passwords with?
What is a parent (home) or teacher (school)?
What famous woman refused to give up her seat on a bus?
Rosa Parks
Is it ok to share some PERSONAL information online?
What is YES, some personal information can be shared online?