What is the capital of California?
What is a synonym for the word "spoiled"
Which ISEE strategy helps you learn when to slow down on an activity so you don't make mistakes? You can also use this strategy to work faster on a task when you have a strong understanding of what to do.
How do we use "chunking" when reading?
Place a sticky note every few paragraphs and write down some notes to help you understand the passage.
Spell the word that means: really needing food
If you drop me, I am sure to crack, but smile at me and I will always smile back. I'm a...
In 1620 these people came to the United States from England and later celebrated the first Thanksgiving.
The Pilgrims
Is "I think green beans taste like worms." is an example of a fact or an opinion ?
Where did Sky go to college?
University of San Diego.
How do you "preview the text?"
Read titles and headings
Look at pictures
Skim the intro and conclusion
Preview study questions and vocab
Spell my last name.
Remove my skin and I won't cry, but you will. I'm an..
When did the Civil War began?
How long should each paragraph be when you reach fourth grade?
5 to 7 sentences
How many days are there in a year?
What does "theme" mean?
The message or lesson in a story.
Spell the color of my car.
What kind of band never plays music?
A rubber band!
This president issued an order in 1863 which freed the slaves.
Abraham Lincoln
What is the predicate in this sentece?
Raven jumped quickly over the small puddle of water.
What test taking strategy helps you to NOT waste time on questions you don't know?
Skip it, then come back and guess at the end
What is a main idea?
What the passage is all about. It is the author's main point.
Spell the word that comes next: angry, angrier, ____
What has to be broken before you can use it?
Who is given credit for discovering America?
Christopher Columbus
Explain how to use "make connections" when you are reading.
Answers vary.
Are worker bees male or female?
What is the difference between nonfiction & fiction?
Nonfiction is REAL
Fiction is Fake
Spell the month that comes BEFORE your birth month.
I am tall when I am young, and short when I am old. What am I?
A candle!
Who invented the electric light bulb?
Thomas Edison
What is an antonym for the word "ecstatic"?
miserable, etc. Several possible answers.
What is a group of stars that form an imaginary picture called?
Why is it important to "mark up the text?"
It helps you keep track of the storyline and increase your understanding of the text (answers can vary)
Spell the name of our state
Bob's mother has three children. Their names are Huey, Dewey, and...
America won its independence from this country.
Great Britain
What is the subject in this sentence?
Raven jumped quickly over the puddle of water.
What is the largest state in America?
What is your favorite reading comprehension strategy?
Spell the name of the instrument that Sky plays.
What can you catch but not throw?
A cold!