How many minutes are in an hour?
In what city is the Eiffel Tower located?
Who is Travis Kelce dating?
Taylor Swift
How many dimes are in a dollar?
Who won the Super Bowl last year?
The Kansas City Chiefs
What is Mr. F's favorite color?
In football, what is it called when a player drops the ball?
A fumble
What is 8x8?
What is 64?
How many stars and stripes are there in an American flag?
50 stars and 13 stripes
the principal bought 130 books. If there are 10 books in a box, how many boxes did he buy?
13 boxes
What shape has six sides?
What popular Disney movie involves two sisters saving their town?
How many colors are in a rainbow?
7 (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
What college did Mr. F graduate from?
Arizona State
What are the names of the 3 stations we do before we play our game?
Fitness, Super Fitness, Dynamic
What is Spiderman's real name?
Peter Parker
What is the largest state in America?
What is Mr. F's favorite food?
What are the five senses we have?
Taste, Touch, Smell, See, Hearing
Where are the next summer Olympics located?
Los Angeles
You have 4 groups of 15 cookies. How many cookies do you have?
Which fast food chain features a little girl with red pigtails as its logo?
How many zeros are in 1 million?
What is the center of an archery target called?
A Bullseye
What movie is about a boy who wants to be a musician, but his grandma won’t allow it because of the past?