How many syllables are in 'rhinoceros'?
Earth is located in what Galaxy?
What is The Milky Way
What is -
Who, What, Where, When, Why
Internet meme -
How it started and how it's
The abbreviation for Missouri
Jan 1, 1901
The first 10 Amendments are called ..........
What are The Bill of Rights
What type of literature features magical creatures, such as giants, gnomes and goblins?
what is Fairy Tales
The author of the classics Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Who is Mark Twain
The big hand is on the 6. The little hand is between the 2 and 3.
What time is it?
The bigger number -
200 + 5 + 30 + 60
They are the SAME
Julius Caesar was the emperor of what empire
The Roman Empire
The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in ......
What is The Civil War
The Roman number XIV
A father ........... is called a boar.
What is a pig
What is 7
Object beginning with the letter Q that people wrote on in the Middle Ages?
It's 5:30 when you leave for Sonic, and it's 6:15 when you get there. How long did it take and how fast were you going?
45 minutes & 60 mph
The Amazon
The number of oceans
The sun is a : Planet, Star, Comet
What is a Star
How many legs do arachnids have?
What is 8
The Statue of Liberty is a gift from ...........
What is France