Two girls want to share 6 friendship bracelets evenly. How many do each get?
What is H2O also known as?
What is the name of the book about a friendship between a pig named Wilbur and spider named Charlotte?
Charlotte’s Web
From whom did the United State buy territory in the Louisiana Purchase?
Which rectangle has the greatest area: 4in. x 10in. or 8in. x 5in.
They're equal...they both have 40 sq. inches!
Give me wood and I will live, give me water and I will die
The plural of “moose” is…
What three largest countries are located in North America?
Canada, the United States, and Mexico
Julius Caesar was the emperor of what empire?
The Roman Empire
What type of word is “truthfully?”
The what was the name of the last Queen of France?
Marie Antoinette
I travel around the world yet I only stay in a corner.
A stamp.
What is the biggest organ in the human body?
What are the three branches of the United States government?
Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
Convert 4/3 into a mixed number.
1 1/3
True or False? A trapezoid is a quadrilateral.
The words “the,” “an,” and “a,” are known as what in English grammar?
What gets bigger when more is taken away?
A hole.
How many continents are there?
What is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?
The hardest naturally occurring mineral is...
The United States and Mexico are separated by which river?
The Rio Grande
Which country is both an island and a continent?
What is always in front of you but can't be seen?
Your future
From which country did Mexico gain its independence in the 19th century?
The temperature is 5 degrees colder than the afternoon temperature which warmed up 15 degrees from the chilly morning start of 25 degrees. What's the present temperature?
35 degrees
On what continent is the country of Greece located?
What planet is nicknamed the “Red Planet?”
What species can live on both water and land?
I am as light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for five minutes. What am I?