Social Studies
Bible Trivia

A rectangular billboard is 8.72 meters wide and 7.93 meters tall. What is the perimeter of the billboard in meters?

WHAT IS...33.3 meters


Which of these tools or procedures would NOT be appropriate for observing butterflies outside?

  1. Camera

  2. Graduated cylinder

  3. Science notebook

  4. Hand lens

WHAT IS... 2 Graduated Cylinder


Who played a crucial role as an interpreter and guide for the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

WHO IS... Sacagawea


The theme of a story tells you the authors what? 

WHAT IS... Message


What is the common name of the first four books in the New Testament?

WHAT IS... the Gospels


Below are the weights of 4 different cars.  Based on the table, which statement is true?

    Car 1     ||     Car 2     ||     Car 3       ||     Car 4 

1503.25 kg || 1075.5 kg || 1324.258 kg || 1045.36 kg

F: the combined weight of Car 1 and Car 2 is 2,576.75 kg

G: the weight of Car 2 is 30.26 kg greater than the weight of Car 4

H: Car 3 weighs 248.758 more kg than Car 2

J: The combined weight of Car 4 and Car 2 is 2152.91



When identifying the _______________________ of an object compared to water, you can test to see if the object sinks or floats in the water.

WHAT IS... relative density


What motivated European powers to engage in overseas exploration and colonization during the Age of Exploration? (name two)

WHAT IS... New resources, trade routes, opportunities for expansion


Soccer is known in some countries as football. It is a popular sport across the world, with over 200 countries playing the sport. It is estimated that over 250 million people, both men and women, play soccer. The sport has been part of the Olympic games from 1900 to 1928 and from 1936 to today.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

WHAT IS... Soccer is a worldwide sport


Name 5 of the 10 commandments. 

  1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
  2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
  4. Honor your father and your mother.
  5. You shall not kill.
  6. You shall not commit adultery.
  7. You shall not steal.
  8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

 Denny spend 4 1/3 hours mowing yards and 2 4/5 hours raking leaves this month. How much longer did he spend mowing than raking leaves? 

WHAT IS... 1 8/15


In a _________________________________ the path the electricity can flow through is connected and complete and any device in the circuit will be able to work

WHAT IS... a Closed circut


Name two cash crops that were cultivated in the southern colonies. 

WHAT IS...Tobacco, rice, indigo


What skill is needed to be able to correctly answer the following question? 

Which sentence suggests that Joanna rode her bike to school?

A) Joannaʼs hair was a little messy when she got to school.

B) Joanna went four blocks on her way to school.

C) Joanna crossed three streets on her way to school.

D) Joanna had to put her helmet inside the classroom closet.

WHAT IS... Inferencing

How long did the flood cover the earth? 

WHAT IS...150 Days


Simplify the expression:

[(19-2)x(2+1)] +(1/3+6/9)]

WHAT IS... 52


Which of these are possible effects of overgrazing by large herbivores, like cattle?

A: plant populations will increase

B: plant populations will decrease

C: Topsoil will be eroded

D: Topsoil will increase

WHAT IS... B and C


What treaty marked the end of World War I?

Double Jeopardy --> what year was it signed?

WHAT IS... Treaty of Versailles

WHAT IS...1919


On a plot diagram, what is the end of a story called? 

WHAT IS... the resolution


How old was Moses when he delivered his message to Pharoah the first time? 

WHAT IS... 80 years old


In an ordered pair, the x-coordinate represents the number of hexagons, and the y-coordinate represents the total number of sides. If the x-coordinate is 7, what is the y-coordinate?

WHAT IS... 42


Which landforms are the result of slow changes to Earth’s surface by WATER?

  1. Canyons and sand dunes

  2. U-shaped valleys and V-shaped canyons

  3. Deltas and sand dunes

  4. Canyons and deltas



Which president commissioned Lewis & Clark's expedition? 

WHO IS...Thomas Jefferson


Write a haiku about school. 

3 lined poem with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third with the subject of school 


How did Paul escape Damascus when the Jews were trying to kill him?

He was let down from the city walls in a basket (Acts 9:25)
