What is the area of a triangle that has a base of 8 feet and height of 9 feet?
36 square feet
What is wrong with this sentence?
he ran down the dark street.
It needs a capital H in he.
What is the third planet from the sun?
What are the five senses we have?
Taste, Touch, Smell, See, Hearing
You have 4 groups of 5 cookies. How many cookies do you have?
What is an antonyme? Write an example.
How many zeros are in 1 million?
If the short hand is on the 3 and the long hand is on the 9, what time is it?
How many centimeters are in a meter?
Name 3 components of the water cycle?
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation
Which bird can fly backwards?
What is the most widely grown crop in America?
What do you call a shape with 10 sides?
What is the name of the area that baseball players sit and wait for their turn to bat?
How many colors are in a rainbow?
What are three forms of water?
Solid, Liquid, Gas