How many minutes are in 2 hours and 22 minutes?
142 minutes
What is a verb (verbo)?
Informative writing is to inform you of something, while persuasive writing is wanting you to join their point of view.
How many Dollars does it take to have 300 cents?
How many planets are there? No, Pluto does not count.
8 Planets (Jupiter, Uranus, Earth, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Venus).
You have 4 groups of 5 cookies. How many cookies do you have?
What is a noun?
A person, place, or thing.
How many zeros are in 1 million?
What was the name of the last Queen of France?
Marie Antoinette
What kind of shape is an stop sign?
An octagon
If a shopping cart contains one apple, two bananas, three oranges, and four hot dogs, what percentage of the cart's total contents is fruit?
Which of the following is NOT an official language of Switzerland: German, Italian, or Spanish?
What is the third planet from the sun?
what is the largest animal in the world?
If you need 1/2 cup of flour and you only have a 1/4 measuring cup, how many times do you need to use it to get the right amount of flour?
You have 20 pairs of shoes, but there is only room in your closet for eight shoes. How many pairs of shoes do you have to get rid of?
Name 3 components of the water cycle?
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Sun
What is one way you can identify a mammal?
Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals that have hair, breathe air and feed their babies milk. They give birth, they do not lay eggs.
How many feet is 2.5 yards?
7.5 feet
How many cents are in $3.45?
345 cents
The US Naval Academy is located in what city?
Annapolis, MD
Name all the states that start with N
Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota
Name the 7 colors of the rainbow
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
What are three forms of water?
Solid, Liquid, Gas
How many syllables are there in the word Mississippi?