If you have 1 1/6 of a slices of a melon from the store. and you have 2 3/6 bread, how much food do you have in total.
what is 3 4/6
read the pargrapgh and answer the questions
I was so excited when I got it... the dog!!! We jumped,played and slept together.Next, but he passed away I was crying in tears that I got his ashes.
what is the relationship with the human and the dog.
what is the both loved each other.
who is the best painter 1881–1973
who is Pablo Picasso
In the Boston tea party what did the colonist dress up as
what is Indians
Why do we need to eat
Food provides the energy that our bodies need to keep going.
if you have 5,563 candy and you buy 1,476 more candy how much candy do you have.
what is 7,039
Answer the question to the pargrapgh
It was my first day of school I was scared I was just a kid still shedding my teeth. I was hoping that there was on bully's. I meet new teachers and friends it was so much fun. After when I went home I told mum and pop about my day
what was the kid feeling first about school.
what is the kid was scared and worried.
who is the one who made the mona lisa
who is Leonardo da Vinc
how much people died in the Boston massacre
what is five people
what is h20
what is water
if you have 8/12 of gas and you go to the store after, you have 3/12 of gas. how much gas did it take to go to the store.
what is 5/12
Read the paragraph
One day I was running to the store I passed cars, trains,buses, and buildings. Then I went into the door and got milk,cookies,fruit and drinks.Last I went home and made a yummy dinner.
what did she get from the store.
what is she got milk,cookies,fruit and drinks.
is music a type of art
what is yes
which side won the civil war
what is the north side won the civil war
what is the cycle of life
first plant get food from the sun,then animals eat that plant the human eats plant or animal
you have a back yard with width of 2/6 and hight of 3/6 in what is the size of your back yard.
what is 6/36 in 2
When you write something to answer something what skill can you use to help write.
what is you can use R.A.C.E.
what to do when you want inspiration
you look out side and notice thing and make art about them
how long did it take for the great Britain the win the french and American war.
what is 9 years, 4 months, 1 week and 2 day
what is fog made up of
what is water vapor, or water in its gaseous form, condenses
if you you have 90.1 cars and you buy 80.90 cars how much cars do you have
what is 171
what is something that describes a adjective
what is a adverb
what number of types weaving are there
what is several methods of weaving
why did the french help revolutionary war
what is they were Motivated by their desire to humiliate the British.
why do people grow
what is The main factor that influences a person's height is their DNA.