What type of blood is the rarest in the world?
AB -
Which country has the following flag?
Hong Kong
How many nouns starting with "P" are in this sentence: Frank and Polly played poker with a platypus.
3 (Polly, poker, platypus)
What is the name of the Promised Land?
Who is this man?
Moh. Hatta
What is the fastest ocean animal?
Black marlin
What was the largest kingdom ever existed in Java island?
What do you call two words with the same spelling but different meanings?
Homonyms (bat, well)
Who are the first twins mentioned in the Bible?
Esau and Jacob
Who is this man?
Chairil Anwar
What organ in your body absorbs the majority of nutrients from your food?
Small intestine
How may countries were formed from Soviet Union?
In what year did Soviet Union collapsed?
15 countries. 1991
What do you call the additional element given to the end of the root word? (-ly, -ed)
On what mountain did Moses die?
Mount Nebo, Jordan
What is the name of this building and where is it located?
Burj khalifa, Dubai
In which ocean does the Bermuda Triangle exist?
What other name is the Bermuda referred as?
The Atlantic Ocean
The Devil's Triangle
What is this city and what is its capital city?
Italy. Rome
How many tenses do we have in English?
12 tenses
What are the names of the 3 arch-angels in the Bible?
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael
How many bones does a human have?
206 bones
Name the 5 units of temperature!
Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Reaumur, Rankine
What is this place and where is it located?
Louvre museum, Paris France
What 3 languages does English come from?
German, Dutch, French
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
John 11: 35 "Jesus wept."
Which disciple took Judas' place after Jesus' ascension?